
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:24 22:57:43
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

英语 考前十五天 阅读须领先

北京市英语特级教师 精华听课网英语主讲教师 张铁城

(一)整个考卷就是一篇“阅读材料”。即使“听力理解”也要依托“阅读理解”,2003年全国卷的最难的小题之一:第3题就要求理解原文中But you're not going to like it.的“深层含义”;该卷“完形填空”第45题通过率为12%,则要求对全文的“整体理解”;至于通过率低达4%的“短文改错”第79题keep a diary则更加需要“大量阅读”后形成的“语感”。


(三)接触“原著”的实际交际活动是检验语言知识使用能力的“试金石”。接触“原著”有助于克服高考知识“难点”,如:“旧词新义”、构词法形成的“新词”。打开“英语学习2004 May”,有段贝克汉姆的故事:Beckham had a kickabout with Brooklyn before he left for training.的kickabout是“合成构词”的产物;又如:Beckham said:“I'm sure Mom could dig it out of the pile: that first video of me in action.”的dig out是“短语动词”, action是“派生构词”的产物; 再看贝克汉姆说的:“As a father watching my own sons growing up, I get an idea of what I must have been like as a boy; and reminders, as well, of what Dad was like with me.”

(四)“哲理探究”、“话题”,是高考“内容”的“难点”。“英语学习2004 May”封面导读的“Alone Again, Naturally孤独之美”(英汉对照)一文值得探究。请使用你的“英语工具”,尽情玩味下列语句的丰富内涵吧: (1)Our fear of aloneness is so ingrained that given the choice of being by ourselves or being with others we opt for(= choose)safety in numbers, …(2)Alone, we accept that experiences unshared are barely worthwhile,…(3)From childhood we're conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively (本能地)ache for company, that loners are outsiders yearning(=desiring)to get in rather than people who are content with their own company. …(4)We've even coined a word for those who prefer to be by themselves: antisocial, as if they were enemies of society.

(请关注“转化构词”的产物:conditioned , coined 和“旧词新义”:content , company)


请在考前15天内, 认真准备下面的材料。在考场外“悄悄地”举办一个“个人英语朗诵会”。

“英语文摘”English Digest 2002年第10期 P1 The Honorable People by Theodore Roosevelt ※Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 26th president of the USA 1901-1909 Republican, Nobel Peace Prize winner It is not the critic who counts, nor the person who points out how the strong person stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is actually marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows great enthusiasm and great devotions, whose life is spent in worthy cause; who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and at worst, if failure wins out, it at least wins with greatness, so that this person's place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

