
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 10:00:56
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

DAY 25
  exercise/ekssaiz/ n./v.
  词 义 n. 练习,习题;训练,锻炼
  v. 训练,锻炼;行使
  大头例句 The government should exercise its authority by law. 政府应该依法行使其权力。
  mass/ms/ n.
  Ive a mass of things to see to this morning.
  猜一猜 A. 大量B. 少量C. 群众D. 质量
  翻译 今天早上我有很多事情要。
  词义扩展 n. ① 团,块The ship cut its way slowly through masses of ice. 船在大块大块的冰之间慢慢前进。 ② 群众,民众源:www.examda.comLarge masses of the people lack the basic necessities of life. 广大群众缺少生活必需品。 ③ 质量The mass of a piece of lead is not changed by melting. 这块铅的质量不会因为融化而改变。源:www.examda.com
  massive/msiv/ a.Several strong men were needed to open and close the massive gates to the castle.
  猜一猜 A. 宽大的B. 高大的
  C. 厚重的D. 铁的
  翻译 需要安排几个强壮的男人来开关城堡的大门。
  分 析 mass ive
  团,块 形容词后缀 → 大块的 → 厚重的,结实的
  词义扩展 a. 大规模的,大量的America launched a massive raid against Iraq. 美国对伊拉克发动了大规模的空袭。
  ninety/nainti/ num.
  One hundred minus ten is ninety.
  猜一猜 A. 九十B. 五十
  C. 一百一D. 一百一十
  翻译 一百减去十等九十。
  ninth/nain/ num.
  Remember, you are the ninth to step on the stage.
  猜一猜 A. 下列B. 训练C. 第九D. 系列
  翻译 记住,你是第九个登台。
  introduce/intrdjus/ v.
  The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience, and then there broke out a sea of applause.
  猜一猜 A. 吵闹B. 辱骂C. 打击D. 介绍
  翻译 大会主席向听众介绍了演讲人,下响起了一片掌声。
  分 析 intro+ duce
  inward + to lead → 把人领到里面给们介绍 源:www.examda.com
  近义词 recommend
  词义扩展 v. ① 传入,引进Buddhism was introduced into China about A.D. 67. 佛教是在大约公元67年传入中国的。 ② 提出He introduced a solution to the Broad. 他向董事会提出了一个解决方案。 ③ 采用The bad guy introduced innocent children to drugs, which caused a bad influence on the society. 这个坏蛋教幼稚的孩子吸毒,给社会造成了极坏的影响。
  introduction/intrdkn/ n.At the beginning of the meeting, I made the necessary introductions to the people invited.猜一猜 A. 演讲B. 介绍C. 准备D. 修饰
  翻译 会议之初,我对应邀前来的人做了一些必要的介绍。
  词义扩展 n. ① 传入,引进The introduction of corn benefits us a lot. 玉米的引进使我们受惠不少。 ② 导言,导论,绪论When reading, I first take a look at the introduction to the book. 书时,我先看一下书的导言。
  gather// v.The family gathers together to have a dinner on Thanksgiving Day every year.
  猜一猜 A. 门B. 聚集, 聚拢C. 拥挤D. 排队

