
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 18:26:04
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

翻译作为语言听、说、读、写、译五大能力之一,新大纲就六级阶段的要求提出,学生应“能借助词典将难度略低于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确、译文达意,译速为每小时350个英语单词。能借助词典将内容熟悉的汉语文字材料译成英语,译文达意,无重大语言错误,译速为每小时300个汉字。”英译汉是 1996年大学英语考试委员会公布的第一批新题型中的一类,属主观题,该题型从属于阅读理解部分,从阅读理解的四篇短文中选取5个片断,大部分是一个较长、较复杂的句子,但有时也有2-3个句子组成的一个段落或片断。要求考生在15分钟内将该5题译成汉语,占分10%,每题2分。根据指令提示,翻译时还可回到前面参阅所译句子的有关上下文。
两种语言的对译讲究的是“信、达、雅”,这是翻译题评分的基本原则。“信”即忠实于原文; “达”即达意,即译文与原文的语义上的一致或等同,这是评分的重要原则,考生是否理解了原文,是否忠实于原文,都要根据译文的内容来作评判,所以“达”是根本。考试意义上的翻译对“雅”的要求不同于文学翻译,要求并不太高,只是译文应通顺流

二、 答题要点与真题解析

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
(S1) British universities, groaning under the burden of a huge increase in student numbers, are warning that the tradition of a free education is at risk.The universities have threatened to impose an admission fee on students to plug a gap in revenue if the government does not act to improve their finances and scrap some public spending cutbacks.
The government responded to the universities threat by setting up the most fundamental review of higher education for a generation, under a
non-party troubleshooter(麻烦调解人),Sir Ron Dearing.
One in three school-leavers enters higher education,five times the number when the last review took place thirty years ago.
Everyone agrees a system that is feeling the strain after rapid expansion needs a lot more money, but there is little hope of getting it from the taxpayers and not much scope for attracting more finance from business.
Most colleges believe students should contribute to tuition costs, something that is common elsewhere in the world but would mark a revolutionary change in Britain.Universities want the government to introduce a loan scheme for tuition fees and have suspended their own threatened action for now. They await Dearing’s advice, hoping it will not be too late——some already reported to be in financial diffculty.
As the century nears its end, the whole concept of what a university should be is under the microscope.Experts ponder how much they can use computers instead of classrooms, talk of the need for lifelong learning and refer to students as consumers.
The Confederation(联盟)of British Industry, the key employers’ organization, wants even more expansion in higher education to help fight competition on world markets from booming Asian economies.But the government has doubts about more expansion. (S2)The Times newspaper agrees, complaining that quality has suffered as student numbers soared, with close tutorial supervision giving way to mass production methods more typical of European universities.

1.The chief concern of British universities is ____.
A)how to tackle their present financial difficulty
B)how to expand the enrollment to meet the needs of enterprises
C)how to improve their educational technology
D)how to put an end to the current tendency of quality deterioration
2.We can learn from the passage that in Britain ____.
A)the government pays dearly for its financial policy
B)universities are mainly funded by businesses
C)higher education is provided free of charge
D)students are ready to accept loan schemes for tuition

