
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 18:18:17
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Practice Test 3

1. The mayorthe police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.

A. rewardedB. awarded C. creditedD. prized

2. The native Canadians lived in with nature , for they respected nature as a provider of life.

A. coordinationB. acquaintance C. contactD. harmony

3. Mass advertising helped to _______ the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. A. varyB. shift C. layD. moderate

4. I know you’ve got a smooth tongue , so don’t talk mebuying it.

A. awayB. down C. outD. into

5. We don’t any difficulties in completing the project so long as we keep within our budget.

A. foresee B. fabricate C. inferD. inhibit

6. Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to the isolation of life in Alaska.

A. break down B. break into

C. break out D. break through

7. Could you take a sheet of paper and write your name at the top?

A. bare B. vacant C. hollowD. blank

8.I found it difficult to my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.

A. consolidateB. amendC. reconcileD .intensify

9.While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.

A. a distinction B. a breakthrough

C. an identification D. an interpretation

10. The fire was finally brought under control, but not extensive damage had been caused.

A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. as

11.Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication.


12.There is supposed to be a safety which makes it impossible for trains to collide.

A. applianceB. accessoryC. machineD. mechanism


1.B题意:他由于营救地震遇难者的英雄壮举而获得市长授予的荣誉勋章。本题是形近词辨析题。要在A.reward “酬劳,奖赏”和B.award“授予”之间进行辨析,由于宾语是荣誉勋章(medal of honor),所以只能选B.award(授予)。常用句型为:award sb something / award something to sb.。C. credit,把……归功于……;D.prize珍视。

2.D题意:加拿大人与大自然相处和睦,因为他们视自然界为衣食父母。本题是固定搭配题, 考查对介词短语in harmony with…(同……和谐、融洽)的掌握。A.coordination协调,调和;B.acquaintance相识,熟人;C.contact接触, 均为不正确搭配。

3.B题意:大众传媒有助于促进产品生产到消费的转化。本题是一道动词词义辨析题,考察对shift词意与句型的掌握。shift from … to …的意思是“从……移到……”为正确选项;干扰项C.lay emphasis后面应接on (强调……);A.vary、D.moderate的意思分别为“变化”、“缓和”, 与题意不符。题干中mass advertising的意思是“大众传媒”。

4.D题意:我知道你能说会道,但是别劝我买它。本题考查固定搭配,答案要选择into,talk sb into doing something 说服某人做某事。

5.A题意:只要我们不透支,在完成这个项目时,我们预测不会有任何困难。foresee.vt.预见,预知。fabricate.vt.编造(谎言,借口等),制造;infer vt.推断,猜想;inhibit.vt.抑制,约束,常接介词from,如:Fear of cancer may inhibit him from continuing to smoke.

6.D题意:现代形式的通讯和运输大大突破了阿拉斯加的孤立生活状态。本题考查的是一组词组意思辨析。break down失灵,失效、停止运转;break out 突然发生;break into闯入,侵入;break through突破、突围。只有D最符合题意。

7.D题意:请你找一张白纸,将你的名字写在顶部好吗? 这是一道考过数次的近义词辨析题。blank指(纸张等)空白的;bare指物体的表面没被覆盖的;vacant指(日程等)空的;hollow指容器空的。

8.C题意:我发现很难将我的事业雄心与抚养孩子的需要协调起来。reconcile vt. 调解, 调停. 使相协调. 使和谐, 使一致。consolidate v.巩固;amend v.修正, 改进, 改正;intensify 加强,强化。


10.B题意:大火最终得到控制,但已造成了重大损失。因为had been cause发生在前,即重大损失造成后,大火才得以控制。not before即after。因此B是正确答案。C“因为,自从”;D“因为,当……时候”意思均不符。

