
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:03:10 10:07:00
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

46. Twelve healthy volunteers with the Apo-A-IV-1 gene and twelve healthy volunteers who instead have the Apo-A-IV-2 gene each consumed a standard diet supplemented daily by a high-cholesterol food. A high level of cholesterol in the blood is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. After three weeks, the blood cholesterol levels of the subjects in the second group were unchanged, whereas the blood cholesterol levels of those with the Apo-A-IV-1 gene rose 20 percent.

  Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the inFORMation above?

  (A) Approximately half the population carries a gene that lowers cholesterol levels.

  (B) Most of those at risk of heart disease may be able to reduce their risk by adopting a low-cholesterol diet.

  (C) The bodies of those who have the Apo-A-IV-2 gene excrete cholesterol when blood cholesterol reaches a certain level.

  (D) The presence of the Apo-A-IV-1 gene seems to indicate that a person has a lower risk of heart disease.

  (E) The presence of the Apo-A-IV-2 gene may inhibit the elevation of blood cholesterol.

  47. High school students who feel that they are not succeeding in school often 0drop out before graduating and go to work. Last year, however, the citys high school 0dropout rate was significantly lower than the previous years rate. This is encouraging evidence that the program instituted two years ago to improve the morale of high school students has begun to take effect to reduce 0dropouts.

  Which one of the following, if true about the last year, most seriously weakens the argument?

  (A) There was a recession that caused a high level or unemployment in the city.

  (B) The morale of students who 0dropped out of high school had been low even before they reached high school.

  (C) As in the preceding year, more high school students remained in school than 0dropped out.

  (D) High schools in the city established placement offices to assist their graduates in obtaining employment.

  (E) The anti0dropout program was primarily aimed at improving students morale in those high schools with the highest 0dropout rates.

  48. The television show Henry was not widely watched until it was scheduled for Tuesday evenings immediately after Thats Life, the most popular show on television. During the year after the move, Henry was consistently one of the ten most-watched shows on television. Since Henrys recent move to Wednesday evenings, however, it has been watched by far fewer people. We must conclude that Henry was widely watched before the move to Wednesday evenings because it followed Thats Life and not because people especially liked it.

  Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

  (A) Henry has been on the air for three years, but Thats Life has been on the air for only two years.

  (B) The show that replaced Henry on Tuesdays has persistently had a low number of viewers in the Tuesday time slot.

  (C) The show that now follows Thats Life on Tuesdays has double the number of viewers it had before being moved.

  (D) After its recent move to Wednesday, Henry was aired at the same time as the second most popular show on television.

  (E) Thats Life was not widely watched during the first year it was aired

  Questions 49-50

  Joseph: My encyclopedia says that the mathematician Pierre de Fermat died in 1665 without leaving behind any written proof for a theorem that he claimed nonetheless to have proved. Probably this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved, since——as the article points out——no one else has been able to prove it. Therefore it is likely that Fermat was either lying or else mistaken when he made his claim.

  Laura: Your encyclopedia is out of date. Recently someone has in fact proved Fermats theorem. And since the theorem is provable, your claim——that Fermat was lying or mistaken——clearly is wrong.

  49. Josephs statement that "this alleged theorem simply cannot be proved" plays which one of the following roles in his argument?

  (A) an assumption for which no support is offered

  (B) a subsidiary conclusion on which his arguments main conclusion is based

  (C) a potential objection that his argument anticipates and attempts to answer before it is raised

  (D) the principle claim that his argument is structured to refute

  (E) background inFORMation that neither supports nor undermines his arguments conclusion

  50. Which one of the following most accurately describes a reasoning error in Lauras argument?

  (A) It purports to establish its conclusion by making a claim that, if true, would actually contradict that conclusion.

  (B) It mistakenly assumes that the quality of a persons character can legitimately be taken to guarantee the accuracy of the claims that person has made.

  (C) It mistakes something that is necessary for its conclusion to follow for something that ensures that the conclusion follows.

  (D) It uses the term "provable" without defining it.

  (E) It fails to distinguish between a true claim that has mistakenly between believed to be false and a false claim that has mistakenly been believed to be true.

  51. People who have political power tend to see new technologies as a means of extending or protecting their power, whereas they generally see new ethical arguments and ideas as a threat to it. Therefore, technical ingenuity usually brings benefits to those who have this ingenuity, whereas ethical inventiveness brings only pain to those who have this inventiveness.

  Which one of the following statements, if true, most strengthens the argument?

  (A) Those who offer new ways of justifying current political power often reap the benefits of their own innovations.

  (B) Politically powerful people tend to reward those who they believe are useful to them and to punish those who they believe are a threat.

  (C) Ethical inventiveness and technical ingenuity are never possessed by the same individuals

  (D) New technologies are often used by people who strive to defeat those who currently have political power.

  (E) Many people who possess ethical inventiveness conceal their novel ethical arguments for fear of retribution by the politically powerful.

  52. Birds need so much food energy to maintain their body temperatures that some of them spend most of their time eating. But a comparison of a bird of a seed-eating species to a bird of a nectar-eating species that has the same overall energy requirement would surely show that the seed-eating bird spends more time eating than does the nectar-eating bird, since a given amount of nectar provides more energy than does the same amount of seeds

  The argument relies on which one of the following questionable assumptions

  (A) Birds of different species do not generally have the same overall energy requirements as each other

  (B) The nectar-eating bird does not sometimes also eat seeds

  (C) The time it takes for the nectar-eating bird to eat a given amount of nectar is not longer than the time it takes the seed-eating bird to eat the same amount of seeds

  (D) The seed-eating bird does not have a lower body temperature than that of the nectar-eating bird

  (E) The overall energy requirements of a given bird do not depend on factors such as the size of the bird, its nest-building habits. and the climate of the region in which it lives

