
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:04:03 12:29:14
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // Resize Bug Correction NS4 = document.layers. if (NS4) { origWidth = innerWidth. origHeight = innerHeight. } function reDo() { if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight) location.reload(). } if (NS4) onresize = reDo. question = 20. showAnswer=0. markw=0. markr=0. function makeTrue(questionNum) { markr = (markr 1). ping = parseInt(markr) ping = ("images/" "markr" ping ".gif"). document.score1.src=ping. score = (markw markr). if ((score > total)){ display(). } } // LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function makeFalse(questionNum,answer){ markw = (markw 1). ping = parseInt(markw) ping = ("images/" "markw" ping ".gif"). document.score2.src=ping. if (showAnswer==0){ if (answer.toLowerCase()== ans[questionNum].toLowerCase()){ alert("Watch the punctuation! The correct answer is:" ans[questionNum]). } else{ alert("The correct answer is: " ans[questionNum]).} score = (markw markr). if ((score > total)){ display(). } } } var ans = new Array. var done = new Array. var score = 0. var q = 20. var answ=FONTT. // LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function Engine(question, answer) {var check = " ". check = "._____". checker = question check. if (checker == answer){ } else{ quiz(). if (answ == 0){ location.reload(). } else{ if (answer != ans[question]) { if (!done[question]) { done[question] = -1. makeFalse(question,answer). } else { alert("You have already answered that question."). } } else { if (!done[question]) { done[question] = -1. score . makeTrue(question). } else { alert("You have already answered that question."). } } } } } // LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function display() { var half. half = (total/2). total = total 1 if (markr== total) { alert("Test completed: Full Marks!!") } else if (markr==0) { alert("Test completed: Zero! No points!") } else if ((markr <= half) && (markr!=0)) { alert("Test completed: You could do better! " markr " point(s).").} else if ((markr > half) && (markr!=20)) { alert("Test completed: Pretty good, but you could still do better! " markr " points.").} } // LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function reloadIt() { location.reload()} var speed = 80 var pause = 1000 var timerID = null var Ticker = false var FONTT = 0. var ans = new Array() var done = new Array. var score = 0. var total = 0. total = 7. ans[ 0] =.ans[ 1] =florist..ans[ 2] = bookshop.ans[ 3] = movies.ans[ 4] =bank.ans[ 5] = library.ans[ 6] = cafe..ans[ 7] = supermarket.ans[ 8] = park. var currentMessage = 0. var offset = 0. var q = 10. // LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function stopTicker() { if (Ticker) clearTimeout(timerID) Ticker = false } function startTicker() { stopTicker() showWire() } function showWire() { var text = ans[currentMessage] if (offset < text.length) { if (text.charAt(offset) == " ") offset var partialMessage = text.substring(0, offset 1) document.wireForm.wireField.value = partialMessage offset timerID = setTimeout("showWire()", speed) Ticker = true } else { offset = 0 currentMessage if (currentMessage == ans.length) currentMessage = 0 timerID = setTimeout("showWire()", pause) Ticker = true } } //
Right: Wrong:

Click the box to see the possible answers.
You buy flowers at the
You buy books at the
You watch a film at the
You get money from the
You borrow books from the
You have a drink at the
You buy food at the
You play in the?
>function quiz(){}
> function TTM() { browser_check="". if(navigator.appName=="Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=3) browser_check="n3_or_better". bak = history.length. if (browser_check =="n3_or_better") { bak = (bak-1). } if (bak == "0"){ alert ("To call the Task Manager, you must first have started it in your browser. Please read the help file if you need more information about configuring, starting and using this option.") } else history.back(). }

