
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:04:12 14:57:02
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网



section 1 填空的地方要注意大小写,机经完全正确

setcion 2 14.还是the ground floor, 因为定语是修饰lift的, via lift on the ground floor. 有道题目答案是 3.10 (不能加pm,这个我特别记得清楚).

section 3 不难, 几乎记不起来,答案有 5(minutes for question什么的),resources(复数) room。有个答案是assessed(感谢15楼).四个选择题A.肯定提到,B可能提到,C,不会提到。答案的次序是A(Geographic Location),B(economics),A,C(题干忘记,有个是Education History)。后两个是一起说出来的,但男的否定了最后一个。encyclopaedia我也写了,位置不清楚,但我拼错了。3个地方后面是一个第一列的填空,应该填Statistics(可以确定)。现在就剩下3个位置的名称和次序了,这里我感觉做的比较差,第2个位置是关于Map什么的。我第3个位置是填的resources room。

section 4我记不清楚,记得有几个答案是 (男人)politics, (女人)(save for)childrens education或者education of children,(男人)(save for) a car,最后2题是money management, 70%.section 4 我有2个题目吃不准, 有一个答不出.。 又想起一个答案,Nursing care。有个答案15楼是说crisis什么的我写的是emergency,因为拼不出,我可能错了(感谢15楼)。

希望兄弟们回忆section 3,4的答案,我可以判断自己考的好不好。我希望确保section 1,2全对,但考虑拼写错误等只能对17道题目,section 3要对7道题,section 4要对6道,这样总共对30题就够了(对的多对我也也没有用)。

我考G类,Reading我做的比较慢,60分钟刚完成。比较担心这门,6月16日就是因为reading 5.5分才重新考的,当时我45分钟就做完了,因为肚子痛,要解决生理问题,所以就去了WC了,解决战斗后就不让进考场了(NND,不讲人权)。没有检查答案,功亏一篑。这本来是中国学生的强项,可我就是弱。记得本次reading寄信的,waiting 2.5小时在前面,隔了2道题目后,才是关于keep 3 weeks.由于时间太紧,所以没有把握,其他答案还有Recycling的(衣料)。

Writing 和4楼引用的完全相同,题目比较容易,6分应该没有问题。由于handwriting和spelling的问题估计7分也不可能。

下午的口试,问题是这样的几个1.Where are you come from 2. Explain your home town 3.Are you work or a student? 4. How about your job? 5. Why do you like your job 6. Tell me your job in detail. 7. Part 2 是关于diet和body exercise的问题,深入讨论了我本人和考官的身体问题 7. Part 3 是a person important to you in your family(relation, what is he/she doing, his/her hobbies), 8.由于我答的快,所以有增加了 what is the difference between modern parents and parents like your grandfather. 然后深入讨论了老年人的生活问题和你老了以后想如何生活。我犯了2个he/she的错误(我立即纠正了),时态也有2个错误。结束时,我追问我可以得几分,考官说至少7分。下午我很happy,脸皮要厚。考试地点:上海;时间16/10/04下午5:00;考官代号:没问。


listening: section 1: two girls discussing moving in to a new house.

choice 1: pool 2: park(not sure) 3: week by week
multi choice: 4-7 fridge, kitching furniture, bed, desk
filling blank: 8. special pack: 20pounds per week,
9. include: insurance
10. on monday
section 2: lecture

table: 1: professor 2: teachers 3: seaview 4. ground floor
5. 3.10 6. foget
choice: 7. 8: 15 for delegate 9.

Section 3 prepare presetation
Blank: 1 forget. 2, 5 minutes 3, didn’t get it
Match: 4-7 a will do in presentation. B may do c will not
I can’t remember the orders. Just match with
Education, economic, …..
Table: things they need where to get
Overhead projector 8 media(visual) room
Map of Africa 9 resource room
Map of … tourist brochours
Figures didn’t get it
….. of school places same as above

section 4 a lady talking about using money between men and women
blank : 1 politic 2. not sure 3. a car 4 child education
5 nursing care
blank: 6. not sure 7. forget 8 not sure 9 money management
10. 70%

reading section 1 Egyptian made a giant kite looks like bird. A picture in a pyramid has a big bird on it and it aroused some scientists to do research on it.
t/ f/ n
summary: hard to find

section 2 advertising . jijin has this topic
match campanies and marketing plan
section 3 pesticide some chemical synthetic(harmful ) and bio-…(less harmful solution.)
t/f/ n
match: easy
generally not hard. Just need to be careful. But I am too nervous and just take me some time to concentrate. Wu…….

Writing task 1 two air pollutants(sulphur dioxide, di… dioxide) in four city(los angle, …, Beijing, mexico city ) mexico is the most serious polluted city among them.

Task 1 is the positive impact of advertising outweigh the negative ?

Speaking: task 1 primary school, future job, recently study, what do I think of it.
Task 2 a peaceful place
Task 3 why people want to be alone and where do they usually go.

I am quite worried about my exam. God bless me…. To get 6.5

