
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:04:12 12:57:20
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网





17:40的安排,是最后一个,提前到17点去,不用几分钟就安排了。现在703门口的凳子等了一会,正等着有人走出来我走进去,尽管2个小时前和一位同学练口语时练得很不流利,但是当时我坐在门口挺安静,不紧张。正在等待间,听到一声微弱的声音”com in”,我在琢磨是哪间房间发出的?703不见有人出来应该不是叫我吧?又听到一声大声点的”com in”,我有点犹豫,万一人家正在面试,进去岂不是很严重?又听到一声“com in”,更大声(当然,老外的大声不会真的很大声的那种),于是推门进去,果然里面没人。原来叫我等的时候里面已经没人了!怎么网上没有人说这事?喊了几声,不知道老外会不会不高兴?

我的老外是AV,也就是今天早上监考的其中之一。上午见很好人,现在进去好像有点严肃。赶紧“Good afternoon, nice to see you again!”
忘记他有没有叫Sit down了,总之没问就坐下了。
他没怎么寒暄就按下了录音机,然后说,“today, I xxxxxx”
我担心冷场,就说“I see”,他用手示意叫我让他说完(以后大家要注意了)。然后说了今天是多少号,考生名字,靠号等等。
第一个问题“What is your full name?”
好在论坛上有人说起搞不懂full name,要examiner 重复 f-u-l-l name的经过,要不然我可能也一下反应不过来
“Yang zhen ting”
“What can I call you?”很快,没听清。
心里快速闪过一个念头,“完了,第二个问题就要“excuse me”了。
好在反应快,醒悟过来,马上“Yang, but you can call me carboy, C-A-R, that’s my nickname on Internet”
“Oh, you love cars”
“Yes, sure”
“What do you do?”(忘记准确的了,反正差不多)
我回答说” I work for China xxxxx”
没想到他打断我“I asked what is your job”
我回答不对吗?奇怪。我赶紧说“I’m the vice director of a department, our company is China xxxx, a telecommunication company, our company provides mobile phone service”
“What is the best thing in your job?” (忘记准确的了,反正差不多)
我几乎脱口而出“challenging”,马上想起一本书说“challenging”已经滥透了,赶紧说“it is very interesting, I can know a lot of people”,马上又想到这也许也是滥透了,赶紧说“We cooperate many SPs, which is service provider, they provide internet service on the internet, such as Sina, Netease(心想老外肯定不知道,不管了) we cooperate with them xxxxxxxx, 胡乱说了两句话,忘了 ”
“Then what is the worse thing?”
好家伙,看来不是随便拿出八股文来完成任务的家伙,什么问题都有。不过这正中我下怀,我说“High pressure, I have to meet my quota every month, If I don’t meet the quota for three months, maybe my boss will fire me, very high pressure”心想,老外,这个可是新鲜没听过吧?于是自信心开始来了。
又问了一些什么鬼问题,忘记了,然后他说“xxxxxx xxxxxx”,意思是cue card 来了,我说OK。他也没给我选,就递了一个过来,我一看,并不是大热门什么exciting period之类,而是什么equipment, 没重点练,不过也练过,于是抓起铅笔就在cue card说唰唰唰地写notes。边写边想 god damn cue card,说什么?说电脑他肯定听了100遍了,说其他吧,恐怕不好说,电脑怎么也熟悉点,不会卡壳。
cue card是:what is it?
When did you but it?
Is it useful? 好像还有一条问题,忘了。
于是我开始说了“one of the equipment is computer, I have a notebook, I use it everyday”
刚说“I brought my computer in 1997”一想一台电脑怎么可能用那么久?赶紧补充“my first computer. I have changed many computers, because the technology change too fast”
然后说它怎么useful,我说,it is very useful, I can’t imagine if I don’t have computer, I use it to finish my work, I use it to send e-mail, I use it to communicate with other people, use ICQ(心想不能说QQ,老外不懂),说着说着,我觉得可能太单调了吧?全是I use it to xxxxxx,这样下去说到天亮都行了,于是说“I use my computer to write a book”
“A book?” 老外来兴趣了。
“Yes, I wrote a book, it has been sale(意识到用词错误,纠正:)sold over 90 thousand volumes, it was a big sale“准备 one of my success时候准备的句子,正好用上。
似乎明显感觉到老外态度改变了。说了一两句之后 cue card结束。
他又开始问问题.”What about the animals in your country ”
shit!怎么问起animals来了?!风马牛不相及。也没有怎么准备,于是说”maybe there are some living stocks, such as pigs dogs cats. I like cat, But my wife don’t allow me to keep a cat(应该用doesn’t,好象我没用)”
他接着说 what about the animals in your country’s agriculture ?
有没有搞错,越问越离谱。我脑海里没有几个动物的单词.我说”maybe they use cows, but actually the farmers don’t use cows now, they use machines, they use cows two decade before(忘了是否用ago)”
“What animals do Chinese fear?”
什么?这都问?我说”actually people don’t fear animal, maybe they fear tiger, but now we seldom see them”看自己回答得不怎么样,就随便补充了一句“panda in china are famous , but we seldom see them”
好在他不问animal了,接着问xxxxx shoping xxxxx in your home? 说得很快,没听清,不过也知道是问家里谁主要做shoping,心想,怎么又扯到shoping 来了?我这真是cue card大全啊,于是回答“My wife does. Actually I don’t like shopping, My wife xxxxx xxxx 说了几句”。
“What is the worse in shopping?”穷追不舍。
我说”The worse thing is I accompany my wife for a long day and don’t buy anything. Xxxxxx xxxxxx ”扯了几句。

“OK. About the technology, what do you thing the technology after 50 years?”
“Oh 50 yeas, long distance, No, long period.” ”I think computer will be there, I think automobile will be there. ” “I think TV will be there” “Oh, may be TV won’t be there, we can use computer to watch TV programs” xxxxxx xxxxxx又扯了几句。

“What is the negative thing about technology do you think?”
“Oh, there are not many. Maybe the weapon. xxxxxx ”又扯了一两句。还扯到Iraq war ”most technology are useful”。突然想一个例子,”I think of it, Maybe colone (克隆)of the human is another one. I think it should be banned by law”又说了可能将来computer太发达,会像电影 terminator 2 一样杀人,再扯了几句。

后来好像还有问题,不记得了,总之这个AV话题真多,不知道对其他考生都这样还是对我这样。不过总体来讲,我还是比较满意今天的回答。尽管问题多,不过正好适合我,我比较擅长Free talk,我最怕背诵cue card。


1. Keep talking。我比较满意今天不停地说,基本上没有出现“呃…..呃…….的情况”,这是我觉得最重要的,也是我最担心的。总之不要管什么语法,单复数,先把话说出来。

2. 想办法说一些有趣的话题,something special

3. 当然最重要不要慌

4. 良好的手势有助于建立你的自信心。

5. 注意衣着。另外我今天笔试完,回家再出来时换了一套衣服,穿了衬衣打了领带,虽然觉得过于正式,但是我上午留意到两个考官都打了领带,要是对方很正式,自己很随便,会觉得很不尊重。良好的衣着会给对方留下好感。我看有些人衣着很随便,可能第一印象就不好了。另外天气很热,我怕有汉味,用了点古龙水。对老外来说,香水是很正常的。

6. 另外AV喜欢说话很小声,我平时说话比较大声,不过我今天做到了。我觉得老外是不喜欢很大声的。



1. 说回笔试。今天7点45分到达考场。其实根本不用提前太早,8点后都可能没问题,因为在走廊站了很久等待验证。工作人员不断提醒关手机。我等到8点45分左右才能进座位。进了座位后找贴在桌面上的标签找自己的名字对号入座。老外不厌其烦地再提醒关手机,这个那个注意事项。到9点多一点,听力开始,发试卷之前公布版本号,V79。由于我没记V79是哪几个版本混合,所以没概念。到了可以看试卷之后,翻了一下,全是预测中的重点版本,真是对各位老师心存感激加佩服。不过听力开始播放后,竟一时眼花,section 1(V69 S1)那个节目和时间、票价的表看少三个空格。我当时心里还在嘀咕,怎么这道题才2个填空?到后来发现为时已晚,漏了三个答案,分别是: 吃的: 【coffee and sandwiches】票数:【2 张】9. (2 pounds includes)(注意这个有几个机经都漏了)然后students discount: 【50%】 怎么我明明听到的是15%,唉,可能又错了。还有 3、地点:(48 North Avenue )我记得怎么是 west street? 总之这题错了不少。然后 S2是V72的S2,S3是V29的S3 ,S4是V70的S4。总之感觉时间过得很快,哗啦啦就到了最后一题了,跟做练习的感觉不同。然后赶紧抄答案。这次版本预测那么准确,估计全世界的分数都会很高(除了我,呵呵)。希望不要导致考


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