
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:05:02 14:53:56
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

包装 packing

1. bale 包,捆

bales of cotton on the factory floor车间地板上大包大包的棉花

2. barrel 圆桶,桶

on the barrel or on the barrelhead以现金的,现付的不承认、不给或不要信用卡的:

paid cash on the barrel for the car.付现金买了这辆车

In a very awkward position from which extrication is difficult: 困境很难摆脱的艰难处境:

3. basket 筐,篓,篮

They were carrying several baskets of fruit to the market.他们正提着几筐水果到市场上去卖。

a basket of peaches一筐桃子

vt. 把...装[投入]篮中

The chickens were basketed and sent to the market.小鸡被装入篮中送去市场。

as a basket of chips大大地. 非常地, 极端地, 愉快地(笑)

fit for the wastepaper basket只合抛进字纸篓. 毫无用处, 不中用

give sb. the basket拒绝某人的求婚

tub basket桶、筐

4. box 盒,箱

a shoebox鞋盒

a box of fruit一箱水果

Some people have boxes or baskets for letters beside the front door.

a box at the theatre戏院的包厢


money box收费亭

telephone box电话亭


Whats on the box tonight?今晚有什么电视节目?

vt., vi.拳击

They boxed (with) each other.他们互相拳击。

5. bucket 桶.vi., vt.倾泻

rain bucketing down倾盆大雨


The car bucketed down the road.车子在路上颠簸而行。

6. bundle 捆,包,束

had a bundle of fun at the dance.舞会上玩得很开心

made a bundle selling real estate.通过卖不动产赚了一大笔钱

7. cardboard 卡纸,卡扳纸

a movie with only cardboard caricatures of its historical subjects.


8. carton 纸箱.纸盒,纸箱一种由纸板或涂胶纸制成的容器:

cans packed in cartons. a milk carton.装在纸板箱内的罐头;盛牛奶的纸盒


dyed the whole carton of eggs.把一纸箱鸡蛋都染上色

9、case 箱,盒.事;事例

a case of stupidity愚笨的事

This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。

a case of poverty穷苦的情形

This is a case of fever.这是一发烧的病例。


a difficult case to prove一个很难办的案子

In this case Im acting for my friend Mr Smith.我在这次诉讼中代表我的朋友史密斯的利益。

The case was settled out of court.这案件在庭外解决。


The police have a clear case against the prisoner.警察有充足的事实对付那个囚犯。

Is that the case? No, thats not the case.事实是那样吗?不,事实并非如此。

in case以防;可能;倘若

Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.倘若太阳很利害,你就把帽子戴上。

in case of如果;万一

In case of rain they cant go.万一下雨,他们就不能去了。

10.cask 木桶

11.coat 外套,覆盖 n.大衣;外套

The coat fits.衣服正合身。


a coast of paint一层漆

This woodwork has had its final coat of paint.这件木器已涂完最后一道漆。

coat vt.(常与with, in连用)涂上;覆盖

pills coated with sugar糖衣药丸

The bookshelves were coated in dust.. The bookshelves were coated with dust.书架上积了一层灰。

12.composite packaging 复合包装

composite adj. 合成的;混成的;拼凑成的(事物)

The police artist made a composite picture of the murderer.


Packaging n. 包装

The consumers always complain that too much packaging increases the cost of the food.


13.consumer package 销售包装

consumer n.消费者; 用户

consumers goods消费品

consumer research 消费者调查; 市场调查

consumer sales resistance消费抵制

consumer (s) credit分期付款销售

