
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:05:07 16:23:21
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

magnificent adj. splendid. majestic. superb. glorious. impressive

maintain v. to keep in existence. to keep in good condition. to preserve. to support. to provide for. to affirm. to declare. to assert. to insist

maintenance n. upkeep. repairs. livelihood. means of support

majority n. greater number or part. number greater than half of the total

malevolence n. the quality or state of being malevolent. malicious behavior

malevolent adj. having or exhibiting ill will. wishing harm to others. malicious. having an evil or harmful influence

malfunction n. failure to function. faulty or abnormal functioning

malfunction v. to fail to function. to function improperly

mall n. shopping center. variety of stores and businesses housed within a series of connected buildings or within a single building. pedestrian walkway. promenade

maltreat v. to treat in a rough or cruel way. abuse

managerial adj. relating to supervision and responsibility

mandate n. command. order. authorization granted from one body to a subordinate body

mandate v. to grant a country the right to administer a territory. to issue a command. to make an official order

mandatory adj. required or commanded by authority. obligatory. of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate. holding a League of Nations mandate over a territory

manifest adj. clearly apparent to the sight or understanding. obvious

manifest n. a list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane. an invoice of goods carried on a truck or train. a list of railroad cars according to owner and location

manifest v. to show or demonstrate plainly. reveal. to be evidence of. prove

manifold adj. many and varied. of many kinds. multiple. having many features or forms

manifold n. a whole composed of diverse elements. one of several copies

manifold v. to make several copies of, as with carbon paper. to make manifold. multiply

manual adj. physical. done using human skill or force

manual n. instructional booklet. handbook

manually adv. by hand. physically

manufacture n. product made by hand or by machine

manufacture v. to make by machine. to produce. to crate. to make. to fabricate. to invent

margin n. profit from the difference between costs and net sales

margin v. to set apart an additional amount of space or money for security

maternal adj. motherly. related through a mother. relating to or characteristic of a mother or motherhood

maximum adj. greatest. most. utmost. highest

maximum n. greatest quantity or amount possible. highest capacity. most possible. height. peak. limit

mayor n. elected official acting as executive head of a town or city

meaning n. definition. significance. intention. explanation

means n. method. way. medium. resources. funds

measurable adj. estimable. determinable. assessable

measure n. action. step. unit of size or capacity. criterion. amount. degree. extent. meter

measure v. to weigh. to gauge. to quantify. to assess. to evaluate. to estimate. to allocate

measurement n. calculation of size or extent. assessment of capacity or dimension

meddle v. to intrude into other peoples affairs or business. interfere. to handle something idly or ignorantly. tamper

mediocre adj. regular. ordinary. neither. good nor bad. low-grade. poor

meditation n. the act or process of meditating. a devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation

meditate v. to reflect on. contemplate. to plan in the mind. intend

medium n. means by which something is accomplished. means of expression. channel of communication. middle man. intermediary. broker

membership n. state of belonging to an organization or group. fellowship

memo n. reminder. internal document

mental adj. of or relating to the mind. intellectual. psychological

mentor n. adviser. counselor. person who guides and teaches. spiritual instructor

merchandise n. goods. ware. stock. articles or items to be sold

merchandise v. to trade. to plan for and promote for sales of. to market goods

merge v. to blend. to be blended. to combine or unite into a single body. to be assimilated

merger n. fusion. agglomeration. result of the collaboration of two or more corporations into a single corporation

meter n. instrument that automatically measures quantities of substances (gas, water or electricity)

meticulous adj. pedantic. cautious concerning minute details. scrupulous

metropolitan adj. characteristic of a capital city. sophisticated

metropolitan n. resident of a capital city. sophisticated big-city person

microphone n. an instrument that converts sound waves into an electric current, usually fed into an amplifier, a recorder, or a broadcast transmitter

migrant n. one that moves from one region to another by chance, instinct, or plan. an itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work

millennium n. unit of time equal to one thousand years. thousandth year anniversary

mingle v. to mix or bring together in combination, usually without loss of individual characteristics. to mix so that the components become united. merge

minimum adj. pertaining to the smallest. indicating the least

minimum n. least possible amount. smallest possible size. lowest degree

minority n. part of a population differing in some characteristic (race, language, religion, etc.). state of being under legal age

miserably adv. without pleasure or happiness. wretchedly. poorly

misgiving n. apprehension. worry. doubt. hesitation. reservation

misplace v. to put into a wrong place. to mislay. to bestow (confidence, for example) on an improper, unsuitable, or unworthy person or idea

mission n. task. assignment. delegation. errand. religious delegation. building used by a religious delegation

mistreatment n. abuse. molestation

misunderstand v. to interpret incorrectly. to comprehend incorrectly

misunderstanding n. incorrect understanding. incorrect interpretation

misuse n. improper, unlawful, or incorrect use. misapplication

misuse v. to use incorrectly. to mistreat or abuse

mitigate v. to soften in force or severity. to lessen the impact or intensity of. to appease. to make easier. to sweeten. to be assuaged. to become less severe (about punishments, circumstances, emotions, etc.)

mobilize v. to move. to circulate. to draft. to assemble for action (especially armed reserves)

moderately adv. mildly. deliberatively. in a temperate manner. not excessively. in a manner that is not extreme. reasonably

modest adj. humble. unpretentious. unassuming. moderate. simple. limited. decent or appropriate in thought or dress. not provocatively dressed

modification n. change. adjustment, agreement. adaptation. restriction. qualification (Grammar). moderation. process of being modified

mollify v. to calm. to soften. to pacify. to relieve

momentum n. force of movement. product of the mass of a body of matter multiplied by its velocity (Physics, Mechanics). strength or motivation derived from an initial effort

money supply n. the total amount of funds in circulation in a given countrys economy

monitor n. supervisor. device for regulating (esp. the transmission quality of radio and television broadcasts). screen, device that produces the visual display (Computers). one who oversees. inspector. that which warns or cautions

monitor v. to supervise. to observe. to follow up on. to check up on. to regulate the quality of radio or television broadcasts. to keep track of. to regulate

mood n. state of mind. predominant emotion. type of verb inflection (Grammar)

moral adj. ethical. virtuous. righteous. principled. conforming to accepted standards. having integrity

moral n. ethic. lesson. principle

mortgage n. conditional conveyance of property as for security on a loan. pledging, lien

mortgage v. to sign over property to a creditor as security for money that is owed. to obligate

motivate v. to prompt. to spur. to provide inspiration. to stir to action. to induce. to cause

motivation n. incentive. drive. inspiration. state of being stirred to action

motive adj. of reason or cause. inspiring to action

motive n. something that causes a person to act. cause. incentive. purpose. intention

muddle n. a disordered condition. a mess or jumble. mental confusion

muddle v. to make turbid or muddy. to mix confusedly. jumble. to confuse or befuddle (the mind), as with alcohol. to mismanage or bungle

mug n. a heavy cylindrical drinking cup usually having a handle. the amount that such a cup can hold

mull v. to think over. to ponder. to contemplate. to heat and spice for drinking (usually wine or cider)

multitude n. the condition or quality of being numerous. a very great number. the masses. the populace

murmur n. a low, indistinct, continuous sound. an indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint. a mutter

murmur v. to make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or succession of sounds. to complain in low mumbling tones. grumble

myriad n. great number of persons or things. many. a lot. composed of a countless number of items

