
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:05:09 11:42:33
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

以下是101-244题的中文翻译新版,(1-100已发表)借鉴了pleased SeizeMoon等对题目的翻译,更正了其中一些不确切和模糊的翻译,我的体会是翻译与填空的解题原则一样,论题中有的词有多个意思,应关注其上下文两句话的对比关系,而且只有这样,作文才能扣题。


101 "Governments should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people."
101. 政府应资助艺术家,促进艺术繁荣,以便人们都能接触到艺术。
102 "For better or worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past."
102. 不论好坏,教育改变了人们以前的想法、信念和价值观。
103 "The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives."
103. 研究历史的价值只体现在这种研究和我们的日常生活相关时。
104 "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpe tuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears."
104. 一种文化要想保留它认为好的思想,消除它认为不好的思想,主要是通过正规的教育。
105 "The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from it s own citizens."
105. 当政府愿意接受来自其公民的质疑时,才表明这个国家真正的强大。
106 "All students should be required to take at least one course in ethics,even if taking the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects."
106. 学生们应该被要求至少学习一种道德规范课程,即使这样会影响学术课程的学习。
107 "Instant communication systems encourage people to form hasty opinions and give quick replies rather than take the time to develop thoughtful,well-reasoned points of view."
107. 实时通信系统促使人们匆忙决定并快速作出回应,而不是花时间得出一个仔细思考过、合情合理的观点。
108 "In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and vie w government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings-- trials, debates, meetings, etc -- that are televised, the more society will benefit."
108. 在很多国家,从电视上看到政府人员办公的场景已是可能。观看这些过程有助于人们理解影响他们生活的问题。政府办公如审判、辩论、会议等的各个场景,转播得越多,对社会越有益。
109 "The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will be like the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves."
109. 很多广告的目的是要让消费者因为拥有产品后“像”广告中的人物而购买某种产品,这样的广告是有效的,因为这样既销售了产品,又让人们自我感觉良好。
110 "When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storyte llers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers."
110. 当我们研究历史时,我们变成了讲故事的人。因为我们无从直接知道过去发生的事情,必须通过一些证据来构建,所以历史研究是一个有创造成分的领域,而并非一个客观的学科。所有的历史学家都是讲故事的人(storyteller)。
111 "The worldwide distribution of television programs and advertisements is seriously diminishing the differences among cultures."
111. 全球性电视节目和广告极大地减少了各种文化之间的差异。
112 "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."
112. 一些教育机构强调培养学生的推理和逻辑思考能力,但是如果也教会学生认知自我的情感,学生们将受益更多。
113 "It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves."
113. 定位自己,主要是通过定位自己所处的社会团体。
114 "Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity."
114. 人道主义在上个世纪并没有真正的发展。科技发展,但是人道主义的整体面貌并没有得到改善。战争、暴力、贫穷一直困扰着我们。科技不能改变人道主义状况。
115 "It is through the use of logic and of precise, careful measurement that we become aware of our progress. Without such tools, we have no reference points to indicate how far we have advanced or retreated."
115. 通过逻辑思维和精确的测量手段才能获知我们的进步。没有这些工具,就没有参考点来标明我们进步了多少,退步了多少。
116 "With the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication, there is no doubt that every aspect of society -- including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences -- will benefit greatly from international influences."
116. 随着经济和通讯等领域的全球化,毫无疑问,社会的方方面面,包括教育、政治、艺术和科学,都将从这种国际化影响中获益非浅。
117 "The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience."
117. 从书本中所学的知识要比从直接的实践中学到的更丰富、更广博。
118 "In any field of endeavor -- the sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, industry, etc. -- it is not the attainment of a goal that matters, but rather the ideas and discoveries that are encountered on the way to the goal."
118. 在任何领域如科学、人文、社会科学、工业等,我们最大的收获在于达成目标的道路上的经验和发现,而不是获取目标本身。
119 "When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people s lives will be improved if the results are successful?"
119. 为科学、教育或其他任何领域设定研究优先级时,最需要考虑的问题是:如果研究成功,多少人将从中受益?
120 "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understandin g of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."
120. 现代生活是崭新、复杂的,认知过去对现在没有指导价值。
121 "At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."
121. 在过去不同的地质时期,很多物种的灭绝都是自然因素造成,而并非人类行为。所以,社会没有理由花费很大的人力物力去拯救濒临灭绝的物种。
122 "We owe almost all our knowledge not to people who have agreed, but to people who have disagreed."
122. 几乎所有的知识都归功于和我们意见不同的人,而并非和我们意见一致的人。
123 "It is possible to identify a person s politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people -- their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat -- reflects their political beliefs."
123. 和一个人相处很短的时间就有可能知道他的政治立场。所有与他们相关的如衣服、朋友、谈话的方式、所吃的食物都反映出他们的政治信仰。
124 "Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of the se recent developmentsare designed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before."
124. 快餐、实时通讯、高速运输,所有这些最新发展都是为了节省人们的时间。但具有讽刺意味的是,这些进步非但没有给人们带来更多的闲暇时间,反而让人们的生活节奏越来越忙乱。
125 "The past is no predictor of the future."
125. 过去并不能预示将来。
126 "Society s external rewards are no measure of true success. True succes s can be measured only in relation to the goals one sets for oneself."
126. 社会所给予的外部奖励不是成功的真正衡量标准。真正的成功只能通过自己所设立的目标来衡量。
127 "Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions."
127. 事实是不容改变的。它不会由于我们的希望、倾向或个人意志而改变。
128 "It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."
128. 人们经常说教育的目的是释放人们的心灵。但实际上,正规的教育却倾向于束缚而非释放了人们的心灵。
129 "Technology is a necessary but not always a positive force in modern life."
129. 科技对现代生活是必须的,但并非任何时候都能起到积极的作用。
130 "How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."
130. 孩子融入社会的能力决定了社会的命运。遗憾的是,我们还不知道怎样培养孩子使他们对社会有益。
131 "The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal the otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."
132 "The university community consists of three different worlds -- the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences. Because each world operateson its own assumptions and has its own special habits of thinking, rarely is there meaningful interaction among the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences."
132. 大学包含三种不同的领域:科学、人文和社会科学。因为每种领域都有自己的设定和特殊的思维习惯,所以三者之间很少存在有意义的互动。
133 "The problems of modern society have led many people to complain: We live in terrible times. Yet, given the choice, no one today would prefer to live in any other time."
133. 现代社会中的问题使很多人抱怨:“我们生活在一个糟糕的年代。”但如果让他们来选择,没有人会愿意过以往的生活。
134 "Students should be encouraged to realize that mental agility and rheto rical skill must be accompanied by sincerity and the true conviction of their own beliefs."
134. 必须鼓励学生们意识到:机智和修辞技巧必须以真诚和真正的信仰为基础。
135 "While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems."
135. 虽然我们面临的大多数环境问题都来源于科技的应用,我们应该依靠科技本身来寻找这些问题的解决方案。
136 "The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."
136. 没有选择的情形非常少见。
137 "What we call progress is a matter of exchanging one problem for another."
137. 我们所谓的进步只不过是把一个问题转化成了另一个问题。
138 "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."
138. 不犯错误就不会有发现和进步。
139 "Every new generation needs to redefine right and wrong in its own terms and according to the conditions of its own time."
139. 每一代人都需要根据自己所处的时代情形重新定义“对”与“错”的概念。
140 "What society has thought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements have often resulted in the greatest discontent."
140. 社会认为最大的社会成就、政治成就和个人成就往往招致极大的不满。
141 "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
141. 大多数人只意识到个性化的益处,但实际上个人的经济成功需要一致性。
142 "The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority."
142. 当许多公民质疑权威的时候,社会才能更富强。
143 "Artists should pay little attention to their critics. *Criticism tendsto undermine and constrain the artist s creativity." *those who evaluate works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
143. 艺术家应该对给予他们的批评毫不理会。批评家总是削弱和限制艺术家的创造力 。
144 "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." *a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
144. 是艺术家而不是批评家,带给社会一些具有持久价值的东西。
*批评家指经常评价艺术作品 ,例如小说、电影、音乐、绘画等的人。
145 "A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one s principles."
145. 性格测试最关键的一点就是看一个人能否在不牺牲个人原则的基础上适应变化的社会习俗。
146 "People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it."
146. 对某思想或策略最执着的人往往对其最挑剔。
147 "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."
147. 传统和现代不相容。人们必须在二者之间做出选择。
148 "Many people admire idealism, but it usually leads to disappointment or trouble."
148. 许多人崇尚理想主义,但它往往带来失望或烦恼。
149 "The most practical and effective way to protect wilderness areas is to attract more tourists to these areas through environmentally sensitive projects."
149. 保护野生环境最实际有效的方法就是通过环保项目吸引更多的观光客到那些地方去。
150 "Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete."
150. 通过电视和世界联网的计算机,人们得以了解很多他们没有去过的地方。所以,旅游业会越来越不景气。
151 "High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail an d television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication."
151. 高速的电子通讯媒介,如电子邮件和电视,阻止了人们有思想、有意义的交流。
152 "The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."
152. 对于公司的执行官,他们唯一的任务就是在法律允许的范围内,为公司赚取尽可能多的金钱。
153 "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
153. 学生们应该带着一定的怀疑态度对待所学的任何东西。他们应该质疑老师教给他们的东西,而不是被动地接受。
154 "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."
154. 家长和社会都应该参与到当地的学校中来。教育太重要了,不能只靠专业教育者。
155 "Contemporary society offers so many waysof learning that reading books is no longer very important."
155. 当代社会提供了很多学习的途径,读书这种学习方式已经不是很重要了。
156 "Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live."
156. 选择只是幻想。实际上,每个人的生活都是由所在的社会决定的。
157 "There is no such thing as purely objective observation. All observation is subjective. it is always guided by the observer s expectations or desires."
157. 没有哪件事情是完全客观观察的结果。所有的观察都是主观的,通常由观察者的期望和意愿所导引。
158 The arts (music, dance, visual arts, etc.) are vitally important to students education and should therefore receive as much emphasis as mathematics, science, reading and other mainstream subjects."
158. 艺术(音乐、舞蹈、视觉艺术等)对学生的教育非常重要的,因此它们应该得到和数学、科学、阅读以及其他主流课程一样的重视。
159 "The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds."
159. 人类思维总是胜过机器,因为机器只不过是人类思维的工具而已。
160 "The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."
160. 有效力的领导者最本质的品质就是对特定原则和目标的坚持。任何领导者,如果他很容易受到流行观点的影响,那他就一事无成。
161 "In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero. The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."
161. 在媒体铺天盖地的年代,不可能树立英雄。任何人在媒体的“审视”下都会名声扫地。
162 "One often hears about the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own lives. However, the conditions in which people find themselves have been largely established long before people become aware of them. Thus, the concept of personal responsibility is much more complicated and unrealistic than is often assumed."
162. 我们经常听到个人需要为自己的生活负责任。但是在人们认识到自己所处的情形之前,这些情形很大程度上已确定。所以个人责任要比通常认为的要复杂和不切实际的得多。
163 "Most people live, whether physically or morally, in a very restricted circle. They make use of a verylimited portion of the resources available to them until they face a great problem or crisis."
163. 大多数人,不管是肉体上还是精神上,都局限于有限的范围内。直到他们遇到重大问题或危机的时候,才会发现自己只不过利用了可用资源很有限的一部分而已。
164 "Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can appro ach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes."
164. 想象力有时比经验更有价值。缺乏实际经验的人对可能性有更自由的想象空间,所以能够不受固有的习惯和思维的限制来完成任务。
165 "In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motiva ted not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority."
165. 在任何领域,最主要的声音来自于这些人,他们并不是由信念驱动,而是由希望表达和大多数人相异的观点和想法的意愿所驱动。
166 "Over the past century, the most significant contribution of technology has been to make people s lives more comfortable."
166. 上个世纪,科技的最大贡献在于使人们的生活更舒适。
167 "It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth a ll the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."
167. 有效力的政治领导者在任何时候都告诉真相是不可能的。对于政治家来说,太坦白不是美德。
168 "Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field."
168. 在任何领域,只有该领域专家做出的评判才是有价值的。
169 "Those who treat politics and morality as though they were separate realms fail to understand either the one or the other."
169. 认为政治和道德是两码事的人既不懂政治又不懂道德。
170 "The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people."
170. 伟大国家最可靠的标志不是其统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就,而是全体人民的福利。
171 "People who pursue their own intellectual interests for purely personal reasons are more likely to benefit the rest of the world than are people who try to act for the public good."
171. 那些纯粹出于个人原因追求自己学术兴趣的人,相比出于公众利益努力的人,更有可能造福他人。
172 "Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attacks upon the accepted wisdom of the timelimited portion of the resources available to them until they face a great problem or crisis."
172. 真正的真理开始都是可憎的,或至少是令人不舒服的,和那个时代业已形成的至理名言相抵触。

