
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:07:17 11:46:46
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

1Foreign investments helped foster a stronger economy in that country.

  (A)促进 (B)重建 (C)开放 (D)恶化

  2The president was dissuaded from military action by his advisors.

  (A)胁迫 (B)说服 (C)反对 (D)劝阻

  3Her aptitude for math was one of the reasons for her becoming a scientist.

  (A)兴趣 (B)努力 (C)才能 (D)态度

  4The enormity of his debt shocked his creditors.

  (A)紧迫 (B)庞大 (C)杂乱 (D)拖欠

  5He spared no expense lavishing endearments on his girlfriend.

  (A)投资 (B)钱财 (C)宠爱 (D)同情

  6His defection to another company shocked all of us.

  (A)加入 (B)投资 (C)赞助 (D)叛离

  7He was the beneficiary of a large fortune.

  (A)受益人 (B)发起人 (C)经纪人 (D)所有人

  8The design featured an unusual symmetry.

  (A)不协调 (B)对称 (C)对比 (D)相似

  9The reporter was fired because of his frequent distortion of the facts.

  (A)回避 (B)假造 (C)扭曲 (D)坦诚

  10The police found a correlation between the two murders.

  (A)联络方式 (B)情报 (C)罪证 (D)关联

  11The aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan tend to live in mountainous areas.

  (A)荒蛮的 (B)落后的 (C)原始的 (D)山区的

  12New products usually come with some kind of warranty.

  (A)保证 (B)试吃 (C)宣传 (D)优惠

