
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:09:06 13:08:22
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

pallet n. straw-filled mattress. hard and simple bed. platform used to stack items during moving or storage. potters tool. board where ceramics are place while drying. board for holding and mixing paints

pamper v. to treat with excessive indulgence. to give in to. gratify

panel n. group of judges. board, flat piece of wood. band. strip. crew. team. staff

paradigm n. model. ideal. mold. form. example. pattern

parameter n. variable which determines the form of a function. value which is transferred to a function or program and affects its operation (Computers)

paramount adj. superior, supreme. above all. of the highest rank. most important

parentheses n. the characters ( ). text enclosed in parentheses. act of isolating by parentheses (Syntax)

participate v. to be involved. to join in

particular adj. special. unusual. uncommon. detailed. meticulous. precise. pedantic. strict

particular n. detail. individual characteristic. item. article. specific proposition (Logic)

particularly adv. especially. specifically

partition n. the act or process of dividing something into parts. the state of being so divided. a part or section into which something has been divided

part-time n. system used to place one event in relation to another (such as past vs. present, yesterday vs. today). period. era. hour. rate

passport n. official document issued by a given country that identifies ones citizenship and personal details and allows passage into foreign countries

patch n. area of fabric used to repair a hole. stain. bandage. lot. plot of land. small repair to a program which adds or changes only a small part of the program (Computers)

patch v. to cover a hole with a piece of material. to use as a patch. to use to cover a hole

path n. track. lane. route. search route. list of libraries where the operating system DOS will search for a file that the user tries to activate (Computers)

patience n. tolerance. forbearance

patron n. one that supports, protects, or champions someone or something. a customer, especially a regular customer

payable adj. may be settled

payment n. wage. salary. compensation. bonus. punishment

payroll n. financial sheet listing salaries. list of workers who receive wages and salaries

peculiar adj. exceptional. special. strange. odd. curious. unique. singular

peddle v. to hawk. to vend. to deal. to distribute. to sell

pedestrian adj. of, relating to, or made for pedestrians

pedestrian n. a person traveling on foot. a walker

pedicure n. cosmetic foot treatment

penalize v. to punish

penalty n. punishment. fine. punishment in the form of a financial payment

perceive v. to feel. to sense. to be aware of. to distinguish. to discern. to see. to behold

percent n. one part of a hundred

percentile n. one of a set of points on a scale arrived at by dividing a group into parts in order of magnitude

peremptory adj. putting an end to all debate or action. not allowing contradiction or refusal. imperative. offensively self-assured. dictatorial

perennial adj. lasting throughout the whole year. continuing for many years. perpetual. everlasting

perennial n. something that continues for many years

perfect adj. flawless. complete. undamaged

perfect v. to refine. to improve. to complete. to make faultless

perform v. to do. to carry out. to execute. to act. to fulfill a role in a show. to present. to arrange. to direct. to manage

performance n. show. presentation. execution. act. deed. act of presenting an artistic work to an audience

periodical adj. occurring at regular intervals. recurrent. cyclic. seasonal. periodic

periodical n. magazine. journal

perishable adj. expendable. spoils rapidly. likely to spoil. mortal

perishable n. product which can rot or spoil (fruit, food etc.)

permanent adj. lasting. enduring. perpetual. regular. fixed. invariable

permeate v. to enter. to penetrate. to infiltrate. to pervade. to suffuse

perpetuate v. to eternalize. to make everlasting. to preserve from extinction

persistence n. diligence. tenacity. stubbornness. continuation

persistent adj. tenacious. stubborn. persevering. constant. continual. diligent

personnel n. staff. work force. team. crew

perspective n. viewpoint. outlook. vista. view

perspiration n. the fluid, consisting of water with small amounts of urea and salts, that is excreted through the pores of the skin by the sweat glands. sweat. the act or process of perspiring

perspire v. to excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin

persuade v. to convince. to induce. to sway

persuasion n. inducement. act of convincing

pertain v. to belong to. to be connected to. to relate. to refer

pertinent adj. relevant. related. appropriate. fitting

pervasive adj. penetrating. infiltrating. spreading. extending. permeating. suffusing

petition n. a solemn supplication or request to a superior authority. an entreaty. a formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority

petrol n. type of fuel. gasoline (British)

pharmacist n. druggist. apothecary

pick up v. to choose. to 0select. to pluck. to pull out. to tear out. to peck. to strike with a sharp instrument

pioneer n. pathfinder. forerunner. person who paves the way. member of a military engineering corps

pioneer v. to pave the way. to create a path. to guide. to lead the way. to initiate. to originate

pipe n. tube. tube used for smoking tobacco. windpipe. trachea. flute. whistle. whistling sound. toot. character which instructs an operating system to direct output of one program to the input of another program (Computers)

pipe v. to convey a fluid. to transport a liquid. to make a high-pitched sound

pitch n. relative highness or lowness of a sound. tar. asphalt. throw. toss. slant. inclination. place of business

pitch v. to establish. to erect. to throw. to toss. to cover with tar. to spread with tar

place v. to put. to lay. to lodge. to house. to nominate. to appoint. to charge with

placid adj. serene. quiet. peaceful. tranquil. relaxed. calm

plaid n. colorful fabric with a pattern of square s and crossbars

plain adj. clear. evident. simple. unembellished. ugly. unattractive. flat. smooth

plausible adj. seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable. credible. giving a deceptive impression of truth or reliability

plug n. cork. stopper. electrical connector. obstruction. block. fire hydrant. advertisement

plug v. to cap. to cork. to stop up. to block. to publicize. to advertise

plumber n. person who works with pipe and water systems

plummet v. to fall straight down. plunge. to decline suddenly and steeply

pointer n. indicator. something used to point. hand on a clock. clue. advice. hunting dog

poll n. voting, electing. list of voters. counting of votes. number of votes. referendum

poll v. to receive votes. to vote. to elect. to count votes. to make a survey. to trim tree branches. to prune a tree. to cut off the horns of an animal

ponder v. to reflect. to think. to consider. to meditate

portable adj. mobile. moveable. can be transported from one place to another

portfolio n. briefcase. attache case. list of securities and stocks. position of a government minister

portion n. a section or quantity within a larger thing. a part of a whole. a part separated from a whole. a part that is allotted to a person or group

portrait n. a likeness of a person, especially one showing the face, that is created by a painter or photographer. a verbal picture or description, especially of a person

pose n. stance

pose v. to stance

possess v. to control. to dominate. to hold. to have as a quality. to own. to have as property

possession n. custody. tenure. property. asset. control. ownership

possibility n. probability. feasibility. chance. likelihood

postage n. money paid for postal services. fee for sending letters or packages by mail

postpone v. to put off to a later time. to delay. to defer. to put off until later. to stay

posture n. viewpoint. standpoint. stance. condition. state. mood. attitude

posture v. to pretend. to feign

potency n. power. strength. force. capacity to be

