
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:09:06 13:24:09
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Royal gala performances

The army and the monarchy are box-office moneyspinners

(1)IF THE secret of success in the cinema is to anticipate the popular mood, Thailands film industry should be feeling pretty chuffed[1]. It seems to have foreseen, even before last Septembers royally endorsed[2] military coup, that the army and the monarchy were about to move into the centre of the action.


(2)The bloodless putsch[3], toppling an elected prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, delighted many Bangkok residents, who turned out in droves to have their photographs taken beaming beside the soldiers on the streets. Less than two months later, the film industry scored a surprise hit with “Khao Chon Kai”, a teenage comedy that trumped the latest James Bond escapade[4], “Casino Royale”, at the box-office. Then in January “The Legend of King Naresuan” set a new record for the Thai box-office, taking 120m baht ($3.4m) in its first four days, despite a shortage of prints of the film and, at three hours, a gruelling[5] running time.

这场政变兵不血刃地将民选总理他信•.西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)赶下了台,许多曼谷市民为之欢欣鼓舞,三五成群走上街头,喜笑颜开地同政变士兵合影。政变后两个月不到,青少年喜剧片《Khao Chon Kai》的票房就超过詹姆斯•.邦德系列片新推出的《皇家赌场》(Casino Royale),创造了泰国电影的一个奇迹。今年1月,《纳瑞宣国王传》(The Legend of King Naresuan)虽然拷贝短缺,而且3个小时的片长也很考验人的耐性,但公映头四天仍以1.2亿泰铢(340万美元)刷新泰国票房纪录。

The Naresuan trilogy, whose second episode opens on February 15th, took four years to make and is, at 700m baht, the most expensive film ever made in Thailand. (3)Foreign films may dominate multiplex schedules, but theres nothing like a local blockbuster to pack the house. Thailands cinema industry is forecast to expand by 10% this year to 5.5 billion baht, according to Kasikorn Research Centre, a securities firm.


What unites the two very different cinematic hits—a slapstick[6] comedy and a 16th-century swashbuckler[7]—is their gung-ho patriotism . “Khao Chon Kai” is set in an army boot-camp, where, amid much hilarity[8], young male recruits become battle-ready soldiers. Men in uniform are in cinematic vogue. “First Flight”, another nationalistic drama about Thailands first air-force pilots, will be screened at the Cannes film festival this year.

一部是闹哄哄的喜剧片,一部描写的是16世纪一位飞扬跋扈的国王,两部题材截然不同的热片共通之处在于都宣扬了爱国主义。《Khao Chon Kai》以一个新兵训练营为背景,片中年轻的新兵一边嬉笑打闹,一边枕戈待旦。穿军装的男人特别对观众的口味。《首次飞行》(First Flight)也是一部爱国主义电影,讲述的是泰国第一批空军飞行员的故事。本片将在今年戛纳电影节上展映。

“Naresuan”, directed by Chatrichalerm Yukol, himself a member of the royal family, is an even more overt appeal to national unity after the recent upheavals. Its hero is a revered warrior-king—played by an army captain—who repels the occupying Burmese army and restores national pride.(4)The film-makers pull no punches[9] about their intent: the invitation to the première boasts that the film is “aimed at promoting the feelings of patriotism and gratefulness to the motherland” among Thais. The junta must be delighted.

纳瑞宣三部曲由王室成员Chatrichalerm Yukol执导,该片等于是自去年那场政变后较为公开地呼吁民族团结。影片塑造的英雄是一位英勇无敌、深受爱戴的国王(扮演者是一名陆军上尉),他赶走了入侵的缅甸军队,重新树立了民族自豪感。制片商的意图再明显不过——在影片首映的宣传广告上,他们夸赞该片“旨在激发泰国人民的爱国主义情感和对祖国的感激之情”。(泰国)军政府(听了这个)肯定很高兴。


1. chuffed adj. pred [作表语] ~ (about/at sth) (Brit infml 口) very pleased 愉快: look/feel chuffed 看起来[感到]很愉快 * She was chuffed at/about getting a pay rise. 她因获加薪而洋洋得意.

2. endorse v. [Tn] 1 write ones name on the back of (esp a cheque) 在(尤指支票)的背面签字. 背书. 2 (a) write comments, etc in or on the back of (a document) 在(文件)的背面写评论. 批注(公文). (b) (Brit) record details of a motoring offence in (a driving licence) 在(驾驶执照上)记录违章事项: Hes had his licence endorsed for dangerous driving. 他的驾驶执照上载有危险驾驶记录. 3 give ones (official) approval or support to (a claim, statement, etc) (正式)赞同或支持(某要求、 言论等): I am afraid I cant endorse your opinion of the governments record. 很抱歉, 你对政府功过的看法本人不敢苟同. 4 say in an advertisement that one uses and approves of (a product) 在广告上说本人使用并赞许(某产品): Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment. 著名运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械, 可获得巨额报酬.

3. putsch n. attempt to overthrow a governmentby force. political revolution 以武力推翻政府的企图. 武装起义. 造反. 政治革命.

4. escapade n. daring, mischievous or adventurous act. prank 大胆的、 顽皮的或冒险的行为. 恶作剧: a foolish, childish, boyish, etc escapade 愚蠢的、 幼稚的、 男孩子的恶作剧.

5. grueling adj. 折磨人的, 使人精疲力尽的

6. slapstick n. [U] comedy based on simple visual jokes, eg hitting people, falling over, etc 打闹剧(多打闹等简单滑稽动作): [attrib 作定语] slapstick comedy 打闹喜剧.

7. swashbuckler n.恃强凌弱者

8. hilarity n. [U] loud laughter. great amusement 欢笑. 狂欢: The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth. 这一项宣布引起了热烈的欢呼声.

9. pull one’s punches (usu negative 通常用於否定式) (infml 口) attack (sb) less vigorously than one is able to 不全力攻击(某人)(留有余地): He certainly didnt pull any punches when it came to criticizing the work. 他批评这项工作时可绝不留情.

