本科生获FICC GS OFFER成功之路(2)

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:12:13 16:49:33
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

7 my question time, which, in my regard, makes me impressive to him…..Our conversation lasted nearly one hour, far exceeding the scheduled 30 min……at the time he asked me write down his contact way voluntarily, I knew I could pass………

It was in Friday and I crammed for my probability and Stochastic Process for all the weekend….

On the very morning of the next Monday, HR called me to say Director strongly
recommended me and they would arrange more tele-interviews for me. Then, I had to continue the suffering.

The next was another director, who was so keen on my resume (admittedly, I have good experience, but he was too curious…..) I talked and talked, all in English. Then he said, ok, shall we speak Chinese? Then more and more questions. ( personally, resume questions are quite simple because you have prepared well. The key point is to say what you benefited from the past work)

He put a tough question for me-why not go to graduate school?Besides other reasons, I think the most important is that my GPA is not high at all, how can i? I just told him the true and said, for me, the opportunity cost was way too high ….if I join GS, my learning curve would be much steep than I would have in graduate school….

Frankly, i have a good ability in communication so that I kept the initiative of saying what I wanted to say and what made me unique…. As for the questions, I asked him a very technical one “why should we pay close attention on the narrowing between yields of the 10 year TB and 2 year? He was surprised by that and started to guide me, when I was so nervous for the fear of not being smart enough at the moment. During the process, he also inquired about the latest yields in the market, which was something I always paid close attention too…..

I had great confidence that he would let me pass because he not only left his
office number, but also the mobile ( he insisted my calling would not bring any

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本科生获FICC GS OFFER成功之路(2)
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