5.25 北京 G类 战报

文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:05 17:33:38
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

5.25 北京 G类 战报 (有些题型不太确定,望考友补充) listening v00048 reading v00036 listening section1一女孩在商店面视 1-2 选择 1. 商店类别A 2. 店主名称 B (Young set) 若干道选择题 填空: 25% discount windows dressing 经理名称 Weddlle(逐字拼写) 穿着 black skirt section 2 Australia and New Zealand 教育展 填空 地点 Malaysia 时间 5 days 若干道选择题 图表题:3 空 时间 next year 课程名 Information Technology 时间 evening section 3 南极考察 若干道选择题 图表题:2空 时间 1882-1883 signed 选择题(选2):南极条约的意义 section 4 儿童阅读能力的调查( 填空,图表,选择 Reading (约25 个 T/F/NG ) Section 1 自行车比赛 T/F/NG No more than 3 words 图书馆介绍 T/F/NG Section 2 学校课程 Matching Section 3 教猩猩说话 T/F/NG 选择题 Writing Task1 : 你家对面有个小公园,常有个男人带着两条狗来,并任其乱跑,给市政府写份信说明情况,并提出建议 Task2: whose opinion and what information 会影响年轻人选择他们未来的职业,结合自身谈谈看法 Speaking (interviewer is very kindly, you just talk more, except stage 2, the English gentleman couldn’t break you. The important thing is relax yourself and smile and say to yourself : I am good, I can do it well) Stage 1 name, hometown, what do you like? How do you relax in home or go out? Stage 2 Topic :describe a equipment in your office or in your home( e.g. mobile phone, computer, Hi-tech product) 1. how log have you been it? 2. how do you using it? 3. and explain why it is important to you? Stage 3. The advantage and disadvantage of Hi-Tech? What’s change in Hi-Tech 20 years ago? What do you think the using of computer in countryside? 以上仅凭记亿,特别奉献给像我一样基础差,并曾在此得到帮助的朋友。If your Listening skill is over band 6,don’t refer the answer 本人自助移民澳大利亚,有多事不明,如,寄材料多久后能收到档案号?阿德莱得以那个日期作为lodge date? 请朋友们跟帖帮忙。 祝6月考友好运。


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5.25 北京 G类 战报