
文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:05 17:28:45
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

听力部分 Listening (43) 40 questions Section 1oss为employee介绍公司并分配任务,包括一系列的选择题,表格填空题。问题包括:公司是?(women’ department),公司改名为?(the young set)员工培训时间?(1st Tuesday),给员工的折扣?(25%),boss name?,boss office(Room 12)等。 Section 2: Part I 介绍图书馆的情况,包括一系列的选择题。问题包括:student union的位置?(very close from here),开放时间?(open on weekend) Part II 假期结束后teacher(female)介绍新学期情况,包括一系列的选择题。问题包括:students are tired of?(play in holiday),不同科目?(考试方法不一样),science course 的考试会?(all through the year), 新学期什么时候开始?(in the following day),娱乐应该?(second place to consider after study) Section 3: 一位teacher(female)和两位students谈论Review学习方法,包括一系列的提纲填空题。Teacher的语速很慢,并会重复一遍要填的内容。问题包括:考试不重要,重要的是?(enjoy of study and learn well), 如果不复习,24小时内会忘记多少内容?(80%),需要提前多长时间prepare?(6 weeks),Maximum time to review? Section 4:关于Australia捕鲨情况的介绍。 首先是表格填空,是关于鲨鱼的一些信息。需要填的有:捕获的最重鲨鱼重量(1895kg?),鲨鱼靠什么游的快(fin and tail),鲨鱼靠什么发现目标(by smell) 然后是选择题,包括捕鲨用的网如何放置?(in the beach?)这种情况还在哪些国家出现?(选A,B,顺序原则,很容易),最后一道题是多选,使用这种捕鲨网的弊端?(网被咬破和砂子滑动) 写作部分 Task 1: You see an advertisement in a local newspaper that a restaurant needs a part-time waiter/waitress. Write a letter to explain why you write the letter, why you are the right person for the position and why you need the job. Task 2: Nowadays children are given some spending money every week in early age, agree or disagree? 口语部分 确认application form并检查身份证后口试正式开始。 Stage1问了一些基本问题: have worked/student? occupation? why choose? what you will choose in 10 years?Discribe your typical working day. what is the important ceremony celebrated in china? How to celebrate? Do you think people have changed much in the way of celebrating? why? what is your favorite ceremony? why? how to celebrate? You like to stay at home or go out at night? why? What do you do when going out? What is the entertaiment you like? What is the entertaiment you dislike? why? Do you think people go to see movie frequently as before? why? stage1问了我很多问题,比较奇怪,不过好在没有什么古怪的问题。interviewer语速很快,声音也不大,我pardon了好几次。最逊的是在问了中国节日后,interviewer问了句what is your favorite?我以为问我的爱好,马上脱口而出sports and reading。等interviewer 再次问what is your favorite ceremony?,我才意识到答错了。 stage2我运气不错,问题出奇简单,describe the environment problem in china.我毫不犹豫选择了air pollution。感觉没讲几句(不到一分钟),interviewer就说ok,lets start stage3。 stage3围绕environment problem问了很多问题。包括: Do you think chinese have realize the problem? why? Do children know about the problem? How to teach children about environment problem? What industries have caused the problem? what do people do to reduce the problem? what can you do as an individal to reduce the problem? who is more concern about the environment problem, children or the old? why? brook_jin


version 21 全真回忆版
突击:IELTS 6.5(下篇,抱歉晚到了。)
how I prepare the IELTS
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