
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:01:08 12:30:31
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

from damage to dry matter
damage n. 损失;损害,损坏
The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。
( 前面与 the连用)价钱
What are the damage for the wash job of my car? 清洗我的车要多少钱?
(pl) 赔偿费
to claim damages索赔
The court awarded £500 in damages to the injured.法庭判给受伤者500英镑的赔偿费。
damp adj. 潮湿的;有湿气的
I don’t like to sleep between damp sheets. 我不喜欢睡在潮湿的被单里。
Damp n. 潮湿
You should air the clothes to get the damp out.你应该把衣服晾一下去去潮气。
Damp vt. 使受潮;使潮湿
His clothes was damped in the rain. 他的衣服在雨中淋湿了。
The rain damped their spirit. 下雨使他们扫兴。damp down
to damp down their enthusiasm
date of completion of inspection 验讫日期
DDT滴滴涕(一种杀虫剂) =Department of Development and Technology 开发与技术部(欧洲航天局).
Dichloro-diphenyl-tricgloroethane 二氯二苯三氯乙烷
Digital Debugging Tape 数字调试带.
Double Diode-Triode 双二极-三极管
Defect n. 过失;缺点;不足
defects in a system of education 教育制度上的缺陷
density n. –ties 浓密;稠密;密集
detection of defects 探伤, 缺陷检查
deterioration n. 恶化 . 变坏. 退化
determine vt., vi. -mined, -mining 决心;决意
He determined to go.他决意要去。
I am determined to do better than Mike.我决心比迈克做得更好。
Devanning n. (集装箱)拆箱
terminal devanning (集装箱)区内拆箱
diagnosis n. 诊断
disinfection n.消毒(作用). 灭菌(作用)
distillation n. 蒸馏, 蒸馏法, 蒸馏物, 精华, 精髓
the distillation of water. 水的蒸馏净化
petroleum distillation. 石油提炼
draft survey 水尺检验
draw sample 抽取(样)
0drop test 跌落实验
dry basis干态
dry matter 固形物,干物质
from edible to lemon extract
edible adj. 适合食用的
Are these berries edible, or are they poisonous? 这些草莓可以吃,还是有毒?
Element n. 少量,微量
There is an element of truth in what you say. 你的话有些真实性。
elimination n. 淘汰, 排除. 排泄, 消去
entrusted inspection 委托检验
entrust vt. 委托,付托
I entrusted the child to your care. 我把孩子托给你照顾。
The young couple entrusted the child to the care of their neighbour for evening schools.年青夫妇把孩子托付给邻居照管去上夜校。
Enzyme n. [生化]酶
Epidemic n.流行病;时疫
Epidemic adj. 流行性的
Violence is reaching epidemic levels. 暴力达到了流行的程度。
Violence is reaching epidemic levels in some of the films and TV plays. (喻) 在一些电影和电视剧中暴力已经快到泛滥程度了。
Epizootic adj. 流行于家畜的, 体外寄生的
n. 家畜流行病
error n. 错误,过失
The accident was caused by human error. 这次事故是由人为过错造成的。
Evaporate vt., vi. -rated, -rating 使蒸发
The sun will evaporate the mist.太阳会蒸发雾气。
The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun.*场上水坑里的水在阳光下蒸发了。 Heat evaporates water. 热使水蒸发。
Evenness n. 平均, 平等, 平坦
Examine vt. -ined, -ining 检查;细查
The doctor examined her carefully. 医生给她作了仔细的检查。
Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass.昨天,消防队员们仔细地检查了地面,但未能找到任何碎玻璃。
My suitcases were examined at the Customs when I entered the country. 入境时,我的提包在海关受到了检查。
exceed vt. (常与by连用)超过,超出
exceeding the speed limit 超速
to exceed one’s authority 越权
The cost will not exceed $50. 费用不会超过50美元。
The results of the competition exceeded our expectations. 比赛的结果比我们预料的好。
Experiment n. 实验,试验
We can learn by experiment that oil and water will not mix. 我们可以从实验中看到油和水是不相溶合的。
Experiment vi. (常与on, with连用)做实验
We experimented by putting oil and water together, and we saw that they did not mix. 我们把油和水放在一起做实验,结果看到它们不相溶合。
They experimented with new reagents and succeeded. 他们用新试剂做了试验,获得了成功。
expert adj. (常与at, in连用)内行的
At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk.在洛杉矶的特别游泳池里,孩子甚至在会走路之前就能熟练地在水下屏住呼吸。
Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. 雷克斯很快就成了开门能手。
Kate’s an expert in / at / on teaching small children. 凯特是个幼儿教育专家。
All the young men are expert drivers.所有这些年轻人都是驾驶能手。
Expert n. (常与at, in连用)专家
an expert in cookery 烹调方面的专家
a cookery expert 烹调专家
external adj. 外部的;外面的
the external walls of a house 一座房屋的外墙
External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而起作用。
This medicine is for external use only, not for drinking. 此药只供外用,不可内服。
external trade 国外贸易
This local newspaper doesn’t pay much attention to external affairs.这家地方报纸不太注重国外新闻。
extract  vt.  拔出;拉出
to extract a toot 拔牙
提取;榨出; n.
lemon extract 柠檬精
from fat to glucose
fat n. 脂肪;肥肉;固体植物油
fat adj. -tt- 肥胖的
I think he’s too fat. 我想他太胖了。
a fat lot of很少;不;不再有
A fat lot of good that is! 那已是一点点好处都没有了!
A fat lot of use that is! 那已是一点点用处都没有了!
Fat vi. 长胖
Fineness n. 精良, 佳好;细度;灵敏
fineness ratio
【航空】细度比, 径长比(指流线型飞机机身长度同宽度的比例)
fineness of the gold金子的纯度
the fineness of the wire铁丝的细度
the fineness of one’s movement举止的优雅
fineness of feeling感觉的灵敏
flattening test 压扁试验
flattening n. 整平, 扁率
flaw n. 瑕疵;缺陷;裂痕
a flaw in the dish 盘子上的一条裂纹
flaw vt., vi. 产生裂缝,使有裂纹 It’s a pity that the scar flawed her skin. 很遗憾,这块疤痕在她皮肤上造成了缺陷。
Flexible adj. 易弯曲的.灵活的;有伸缩性的
We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday. our plans are fairly flexible. 我们可以在星期一或星期二到你们公司来,我们的计划是相当灵活的。
folding endurance 耐折强度(纸)
folding strength 耐折
foreign matter杂质
foreign odor异味
fowl cholera鸡瘟
freezing point n.[物] 凝固点,凝固温度
friction factor 摩擦率, 摩擦因数
factor n. 因素. 原动力. 主因
Rain and heat are factors in growing plants.
Fructose n. 果糖,左旋糖
fumigation 忿恨
gas chromatographyn. [化]气相色谱分析
germination n. 萌芽, 发育
glucose n. 葡萄糖
from hand-picked to weft
hand picked/0selected
hardening v. 淬水(火)
hardness test 硬度试验
harmful adj. 有害的;能造成损害的
Smoking can be harmful to your health. 吸烟对身体有害。
Health n. 健康
Health is more important to most people than money. 对大多数人来说健康比金钱更重要。
to be in good health 健康
His health is not good. 他的身体不好。
drink a health to sb. 举杯祝某人健康
Here’s to your health! 祝你健康
health certification mark 卫生标志
heat treatment n. 热处理
high/low temperature test 高/低温试验
hormones n. 荷尔蒙,激素
humidity n. 湿气;湿度
hydraulic test 水压试验
hydraulic adj. 水力的; 液力的
hydraulic power plant 水力发电厂
hygiene n. 卫生学;保健法.卫生
hygienic standard
imperfect seed 不完善粒
impurity 杂质,不纯
infectious disease n. 传染病
disease n. 病, 疾病.【植】病害
a family disease 遗传病
prevent and cure diseases 预防和治疗疾病
diseases of society 社会弊端
inferior adj. 下级的
an inferior court (of law) 初等法院
goods inferior to sample 质地不如样品的货物
No inferior products should be allowed to pass. 决不允许放过任何次品。
His work is inferior to mine. 他的工作不如我。
Inferior n. 等级较低者;职位较低者
Ingredient n.(烹调的)配料.成份
Inoculation n. 接木, 接种, 接插芽
inspection n. 检查;审查. 视察;调查
He made an inspection of the school.他视察了这所学校。
Inspector 检验员
insufficient processing 加工不足
insufficient adj. 不充足的
The food and drinks were insufficient for the needs of twenty lads. 食物和饮料不够二十个小伙子吃。
laboratory 实验室
lawful/legal inspection 法定检验 lead release铅溶出量
leak n. 漏洞
There’s a leak in the roof — the rain’s coming in. 房顶有漏洞,雨往里进。
Leak vi., vt. 漏,渗漏
The roof leaks. it lets the rain comes in. 房顶漏了,雨漏进来了。
a leak detector 检漏器
a leak in the boiler 锅炉的裂隙
liquid chromatography 液相色谱法
chromatography n. 色谱法
mechanical property 机械性能
melting point熔点
mesh 筛目
moisture regain水分,湿度
moulded kernel发霉仁
nitrogen氮 ’
normal condition正常状态
off grade\等外品
pH value PH值
piece length 匹长
pollution disease 污染病
The men were clearing all the pollution off the shore.人们在清除海滩上的污染物。
aerial pollution空气污染
environment pollution环境污染
food pollution食物[食品]污染
preshipment inspection 装船前的检验
property n. 财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具
This car is my property. 这车是我的财产。
common property公共财产
purity n. 纯净, 纯洁, 纯度
qualification合格,合格鉴定 n. 资格
a doctor’s qualification当医生的资格
What qualifications have you got to have for this job? 申请这个工作你所具有的条件是什么?
quality 品质,质量
quality certification mark 质量标志
quality control质量控制
quality management 质量管理
quality system质量体系
quality management system质量管理体系
radioactive substance放射性物质
radioactive adj.放射性的;放射引起的
radioactive waste放射性废物
substance n.物质,物
Salt is a substance we use in cooking.盐是我们做菜时用的东西。
waste one’s substance浪费钱财
random sampling method 随机取样法
sampling 取样v. 取样
random n.
at random 无目标地
random adj. 任意的
a random guess 随意乱猜
reducing sugar还原糖
results of inspection检验结果
rolling test 滚动试验
rotten腐败的 rust铁锈
safty and non-epidemic region安全非疫区
after Daniel Elmer Salmon (1850-1914), American pathologist
源自丹尼尔·爱尔马 沙门(1850-1914年),美国病理学家
Any of various rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Salmonella, many of which are pathogenic, causing food poisoning, typhoid, and paratyphoid fever in human beings and other infectious diseases in domestic animals. 沙门(氏) 沙门(氏)菌属中各种棒状细菌,许多能致病,导致人类食物中毒、伤寒和副伤寒,以及家畜的许多感染性疾病
severe acute respiratory symptoms严重急性呼吸道症状(非典型性肺炎)
severe adj.严厉的; 苛刻的;严格的
a severe master苛刻的主人
The severe teacher has gone abroad. You can breathe freely again.要求苛严的教师已经出国了,你可以完全放心了。
a severe attack of toothache牙痛的剧烈发作
a severe competition艰苦的竞争
respiratory adj.呼吸的
symptom n.征兆,征候,表征
Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.发烧是许多疾病的症兆。
slaughter house 屠宰场
slaughter n.屠杀,杀戮
solid matter固形物
sound kernel完整仁
kernel n.核;仁
stacking test 堆码试验
stain 污点,沾污
stain [steIn]vt., vi. 污染;沾污
The coffee stained his shirt brown. 咖啡把他的衬衫染上了棕色。
Stain n. 污染的地方;污点;污处
a coffee stain 咖啡渍(木材等的)着色剂,染料.耻辱;瑕疵
stipulation of contract合同规定
stipulation n. [不可数]规定 [可数]条款, 条件
supervision and administration监督管理
supervision n. 监督. 管理
The house was built under the careful supervision of an architect.这房子是在一位建筑师的细心监督下建造的。
under the supervision of sb. 在某人监督[指导]下
surface defect 表面疵点
subvey of damage 残损鉴定
surveyor 鉴定人,检察员
swine fever 猪瘟
tearing strength撕裂程度
test run 试车,试运转
tightness inspection密固检验
ungraded 不分级
unpack 开箱
veternary inspection兽医检验
vibration inspection振动试验
virus s n.[微]病毒, 滤过性微生物, 毒害, 恶毒
visual inspection 外观检验
visual adj. 看到的
visual knowledge of a place对一个地方的实地观察
warp 经(纱)
warp vt., vi.使翘棱;使弯曲
warp n.\(织物的)经,经线.翘棱;弯曲
a warp in a board木板的翘棱
warranty period保质期
warranty n. (正当)理由, (合理)根据, 授权, 担保, 保证, 根据
water absorption吸水率
water proof不透水的,防水的
wearing test 耐磨试验
wearing adj.穿用的, 使疲惫的, 磨损的, 令人厌倦的 weft 纬(纱)
from abnormal to azopigment
abattoir n. n. <法>屠宰场, (拳击, 摔跤, 斗牛等的)角斗场
abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的;变态的
We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.
abrasion resistence 耐磨性 abrasion n. 磨去. 擦去 擦伤. 磨损
absent in 在... 未检出
absent adj. 缺席的;不在场的
He is absent on business. 他因事缺席。
He is absent from Hong Kong. 他不在香港。
He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望着我。
acceptable quality level 合格质量标准,正品标准
acceptable quality 合格的质量
level n. 平面;水平面
The garden is arranged on two levels.花园分两层。
level of living生活水平
level of aspiration期望水平
accreditation body认可机构
accreditation n.委派, 信赖, 鉴定合格
accredit vt.相信.归功(某事)于(某人). 把...归于.委派, 任命. 授权.鉴定...为合格. 特许.信以为真
an accredited journalist 特派记者
an accredited school立案学校
He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon.他奉派出任里斯本大使。
Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited.露丝总是诚实的, 所以她所说的任何话都会被人相信。
They accredit these remarks to him. (=He is accredited with these remarks.) 他们认为那些话是他说的。
body n. –ies 身体;肉体
You can imprison my body but not my mind.你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。
Her whole body was covered from head to toe in painful red spots.她浑身上下都发了疼痛的红斑。
The naughty kid was in the classroom in body but not in spirit.那淘气的小家伙身在教室,心在别处。
a wound on his leg and another on his body一处伤在他腿上,另一处在驱干上
Where did you bury his body?你把他的尸体埋在哪里了?
The oceans are large bodies of water.海洋乃是广大的水域。
Along the east coasts of our country are large bodies of water.我国东部沿海是一片浩瀚的水域。
The House of Commons is an elected body.下议院是经选举而组成的团体。
The demonstrators marched in a body to the minister’s office.示威者们一起向部长的办公地点进发。
Mrs Jones was a dear old body.琼斯夫人是一位可爱的老人。
The sun, moon, and stars are heavenly bodies.太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。
I like a wine with plenty of body.我喜欢浓郁的酒。
The audience sat in the body of the hall.观众坐在大厅中间。
accredited inspector
认可检验员 accredited weft 纬(纱)
from abnormal to azopigment
abattoir n. n. <法>屠宰场, (拳击, 摔跤, 斗牛等的)角斗场
abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的;变态的
We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.
abrasion resistence 耐磨性 abrasion n. 磨去. 擦去 擦伤. 磨损
absent in 在... 未检出
absent adj. 缺席的;不在场的
He is absent on business. 他因事缺席。
He is absent from Hong Kong. 他不在香港。
He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望着我。
acceptable quality level 合格质量标准,正品标准
acceptable quality 合格的质量
level n. 平面;水平面
The garden is arranged on two levels.花园分两层。
level of living生活水平
level of aspiration期望水平
accreditation body认可机构
accreditation n.委派, 信赖, 鉴定合格
accredit vt.相信.归功(某事)于(某人). 把...归于.委派, 任命. 授权.鉴定...为合格. 特许.信以为真
an accredited journalist 特派记者
an accredited school立案学校
He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon.他奉派出任里斯本大使。
Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited.露丝总是诚实的, 所以她所说的任何话都会被人相信。
They accredit these remarks to him. (=He is accredited with these remarks.) 他们认为那些话是他说的。
body n. –ies 身体;肉体
You can imprison my body but not my mind.你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。
Her whole body was covered from head to toe in painful red spots.她浑身上下都发了疼痛的红斑。
The naughty kid was in the classroom in body but not in spirit.那淘气的小家伙身在教室,心在别处。
a wound on his leg and another on his body一处伤在他腿上,另一处在驱干上
Where did you bury his body?你把他的尸体埋在哪里了?
The oceans are large bodies of water.海洋乃是广大的水域。
Along the east coasts of our country are large bodies of water.我国东部沿海是一片浩瀚的水域。
The House of Commons is an elected body.下议院是经选举而组成的团体。
The demonstrators marched in a body to the minister’s office.示威者们一起向部长的办公地点进发。
Mrs Jones was a dear old body.琼斯夫人是一位可爱的老人。
The sun, moon, and stars are heavenly bodies.太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。
I like a wine with plenty of body.我喜欢浓郁的酒。
The audience sat in the body of the hall.观众坐在大厅中间。
accredited inspector
认可检验员 accredited adj.可接受的, 可信任的, 公认的, 质量合格的
accuracy n. 正确性, 准确(度). 精确性, 精度
with accuracy 正确地
firing accuracy命中率
I doubt the accuracy of your statement.我怀疑你的话的正确性。
A-is most important in translation.正确性在翻译中最为重要。
acid value 酸价 , 酸值
actual grease content 实测含油率
actual adj.实际的; 真实的
I can not give the actual figures.我不能举出实际数字。
The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected.实际的修理费用比我们预期的要低得多。
The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. 雕像的实体用铜制成,由爱斐尔特制的金属架支撑着。
the actual state现状
grease vt. greased, greasing涂上油脂;用油润滑
You put grease on a wheel to make it turn more easily. 把润滑油涂在轮子上使它转起来更零活一些。
Grease the tin with butter before baking the cake. 烘蛋糕之前先给白铁器皿底部涂上一层黄油。
content adj. 满足的;满意的;甘愿的
She is content with very little.她易于满足。
We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only.我们切不可满足于仅仅有一点点书本知识。
The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night.老夫妇俩似乎整夜坐在电视机前就心满意足了。
actual moisture regain 实际回潮率
moisture regain回潮 吸湿(性) 回湿性
additive adj. 附加的. 增加的. 累积的【化】加成的, 加和的
加法的. 加性的
additive information补充报告
additive samples 附加样本
completely additive完全加性的
adjust vt. 调整;调节;使适合;使适应
adjust my watch校准我的表
adjust oneself in the school适应学校生活
He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。
administration n.管理;行政管理.政府;行政机关
admixture n. 混合物
adulteration n.掺杂, 掺假货
aflatoxin n.[生化]黄曲霉毒素
agar n.琼脂(一种植物胶,用海产石花菜类制成,可作冷食或微生物的培养基等), [植]石花菜agent n. 代理人; 代理商
a travel agent旅行代理商
a secret agent密探
My agent has power to sign my name.我的代理人有权代我签字。
house agent 房产经纪人
Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow. 雨水和太阳是促使植物成长的因素。
Analysis n. –ses 分析;分解
chemical analysis化学分析
an analysis of the milk 对牛奶的分析
The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police. 对谋杀现场标本的分析为警察提供了一些有价值的线索。
animal and plant quaratine 动植物检疫
ante-mortem veterinary inspection 宰前兽医检验
veterinary n. 兽医. adj. 医牲畜的, 兽医的
anthrax bacillus 炭疽杆
antimagnetic adj.防磁的
antirust adj.防锈的, 不锈的.n.防锈剂
antiwear防磨损的, 抗磨损的, 耐磨的.抗磨损(性)
appearance n. 出现;露面
His sudden appearance surprised her.他的突然到来使她很惊讶。
The principal’s appearance at the party didn’t seem to be very welcome. 校长在聚会上露面似乎不是很受欢迎。
He had an unhealthy appearance.看起来他身体不太好。
Don’t judge by appearances. 不能以貌取人。


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