CET6淘金词汇第四十六课le on46

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008:01:30 09:37:24
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

obscure a.不著名的,不重要的. 费解的,模糊不清的. vt.使变模糊,掩盖
Jude,the Obscure is a masterpiece written by Thomas Hardy, .《无名的裘德》是哈代的代表作,
one of the most famous English novelists. .哈代英国最著名的作家之一.
Ones success obscure his failures. .一个人的成功使他的失败 显得微不足道.
The moon was obscured by dark clouds. .月亮被乌云遮住了.

participant n.参与者,参加者
Susan B. Anthony,the American champion of womans suffrage, .苏珊.比.安东尼是美国争取妇女参政的倡导者,
was also a participant in the movement to end slavery. .也是废奴运动的参加者.

persuasion n.说服(力),劝说. 信念,信仰
Parents are encouraged to rely on persuasion rather than punishment. .鼓励父母们依靠说服的方法而不要靠惩罚.

pretext n.借口,托辞
Dont always use a headache as a pretext for not going to school! .不要老以头痛为借口不上学.

propel vt.推进,推动. 激励,驱使
The change in China is being propelled by the new economic upsurge. .新经济的浪潮正把中国的变革推向前进.

refreshment n.[常p茶点,点心. (精力的)恢复,精神爽快
Ice cream is a good refreshment on a hot day. .冰淇淋在热天是解暑提神的佳品.
Refreshments will be served after the meeting. .会后有点心供应.

revive vt.(使)复苏 vi.恢复
The drooping plants revived in the rain. .萎蔫的植物在雨中有恢复了生气.
Hot coffee revived me. I had been cold and tired. .热咖啡使又冷又累的我恢 复了精力.

snatch n.片段
snatch vt.夺,夺走.一下子拉 一把抓住.抓住机会做, 抽空做 vi.(at)一把抓住

The thief snatched my handbag and ran off. .小偷一把夺走我的手提包 便逃之夭夭.
During the exam,I can only sleep in snatchs at night. .考试期间,夜晚我只能睡一会儿觉.


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