12月8日 福州 A类

文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:05 21:04:40
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

crystalkai 今天考口语,感觉还行,6分是没问题,7分就难了。问了些问题, Section 1: your hometown, climate, do you like hot day or cold day and why , what do you do in hot day and cold day, your job, what aspects you like most, and you don’t like, future plan, Section 2: favorite transport: why did you like it, advantages and disadvantages, how often do you use it Section 3: related questions to this topic Main transport in your city Any disadvantages What kind of person own the car Who take the main responsibility for the road accidents, drivers or pedestrians? What measure does government take? What do you think of the cars in the future? 昨天(12月8日) 听力:Section 1: 一个日本女孩询问住房一事 1. Fill up a home stay requirement form: surname, length of stay, the course she take, the course completed day, 2. Choose three preferences: with pet, smoker, non-smoker, non-drinker, with children or non-children 3. Answer question: Section2: 1.听写题,内容是有关申请护照,以及申报贵重物品,使用何种外币 2.有关购物 1)一个学生(Male)在街上做有关shopping habit 的survey, the interviewee is famale Answer question: money spent for shopping each week, what kind of place does she often go, what kind of thing she buy etc 2) 这个学生给老师讲调查结果, 有个图分3部分, 要求填每个部分的人花了多少钱购物. 3) 选择题: 那些物品人们难买. 4. 选择题: 一个老师给新生讲关于如何制定计划, 我自己觉得挺难的, 好些都是模棱两可.  阅读: 第一篇是有关衣服染色的, 有SUMMARY, 还有两题选择题. 第二是关于电影的文章, MACHING, 还有T/F/NOTGIVEN, 还有几题是选择题. 第三篇是(最难)是关于教育的, 关于一种新型教育方法的优点,实施过程等,有好几题是选择题, 还有SUMMARY. 作文: What is the success to a country? Some people think people should enjoy a high-quality life, there’s nothing to do with money. Other believe a rich money is a key factor to a country. What is your opinion?


12月8号武汉IELTS 秘闻
12月8日 福州 A类
12.8日雅思(A类 上海)