
文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:05 20:51:03
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

以下是我总结的近一年的作文题目和8月以后的真题,还有比较全的CUECARD,祝大家在雅思考试中取得理想的成绩! 11月10日IELTS task1:我最心痛的就是这个,一个表格一个柱状图,表哥没有明显的特点,简直不知道怎么抓,以至花去大把时间,到老师说还有2min,我晕。 task2:一些国家把大把钞票花在国防上,有人认为应花在人民身上,agree/disagree?(类似新东方题) task one the below table and bar chat provide the information of participation rates of the female students in higher education (college and university) in Europe, the USA and Canada in 1990s 1994 1996 1998 (%) Europe 48 48 47 Demark 45 43 44 Swaziland -- 37 35 Germany 53 54 54 UK 49 51 52 USA 54 55 55 Canada 53 54 54 The percentage of female students in the field of study in Europe 1998 Write a report for the university. Note: Maybe some data and courses are not same as the original test. But the charts are similar. Task 2: Most countries spend a large amount of money in weapons to defend themselves though they are not at war. To the countries it should spend money to help the citizens for whom in the countries are poor and disadvantaged. To what extent do you agree or disagree this statement. 10月27日IELTS 在网上有很多关于雅思A类的文章,但G类的很少。因此特以此文写给正在准备G类的朋友们。 27日在深圳考试. 晚上莫名的兴奋, 到零晨一点多还没睡着,索性起来回顾考试。据说题目相同的机会还是很高的, 因此尽我所能把答案回忆出来, 希望对后来者有所帮助。 一.听力(Version 27) Section one(one student register in homestay) 1. Surname 的拼写,具体记不得了,但很容易的, 估计大家都会. 2. Passport number(记不得了) 3. Course applied: Advanced English Study 4. Time to stay: 4 months 5. Homestay time;5 weeks 6. 对homestay有什么要求(non-smoker,non-drinker,pet), 7. favorite food: sea food, 8. 对体育运动的爱好(tennis) 9. preffered transportation: (train) 10. 何时可以得到信息(this afternoon) 第一部分十个题全写出来了。 Section two (about go abroad and visa) 11. Visa can last(90days) 12. if you carry a lot of money you should fill a (currency form ), 13. go to ( your own embassy) to apply. 14. if you wish to get a Y:outh transportation card, you should show your (Student ID Card). 15. you should take take (12passport photos) with you, 16. accepted currency: (Australian dollor) Section Three (a survey about shopping) 17. Occupation (cashier) 18. how much spend per shopping (50 pounds), 19. where often go,(depatment store) 20. what difficoult to buy (jeans) 接下来是一个圆形图, 反映消费的三种方式, 21. 50%的人每月消费(50镑), 22. 45%的人每月花(70镑) 23. 5%的人每月花(20镑) 24.25.26.集体反映什么最难买(books,sports items, trousers) 前三部分30道题, 还有4个记不得了. Section 4, about how to manager time, 共十道题,听起来一点也不难,但是出题的顺序颠三倒四, 所以有一半的题没有把握, 在这就不写出来了. 二. 阅读. (version 20) 阅读本来是我的强项, 没想到这次竟然翻船了. 由于太粗心, 居然把所有的判断对错的题都写成了TRUE OR FALSE OR NOT GIVEN, 而其中有大约七.八道题是应该用YES OR NO 来答的. 中间休息时听别人提起才知道, 很是生气, 因此也影响了写作. 所以我就不想回忆阅读部分了. 三. 写作 (version 68) TASK 1 You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit. TASK 2. Choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all possitive or negative? Writing Task 1: 家务分工(大致意思如下,) Women mainly Men mainly Equal share shopping 46% Washing&ironing 86% Repairng 92% Task 2 People use the computers when they work , go banking and , but somebody argue that it will make the people isolate and decrease social skills To what extend do you agree this viewpoint 9月份IELTS WRITINGS: 2001/06北京,深圳南京,杭州,福州,成都,济南的试题: WRITING TASK 1 One community committee intends to appropriate funds, encouraging individuals to start up their own enterprise. Write a letter, introduce yourself first and then explain why you write this letter, what kind of enterprise you plan to establish and how will you utilize the investment if you are lucky enough to get it WRITING TASK 2 It is one of governments responsibilities to enable every child to get basic education freely. If so, the profit private school is not necessary to exist. Do you agree or disagree? 2001/01/13沈阳,上海,广州,西安,天津 WRITING TASK 1 You want to study in a new University. Write a letter to your former teacher to ask him/her to write a reference for you. Tell him who are you, why you choose the subject and some details about the subject. WRITING TASK 2 Someone think the advertisements have the negative influence to young people and it should be forbidden. Do you agree or disagree? 2001/2/17北京,深圳,杭州,福州南京,武汉 WRITING TASK 1 You got a message from the newspaper that there is a plan of airport enlarging which will provide more place and more flight. You live near the airport and you think it will take more problems to you. Write to the local authority to complain it. (你从报上得知机场要扩建,写信解释这与你的居住有冲突,你的原因) WRITING TASK 2 Nowadays, family are not as close as before and a lot of people are get used to it. Write an essay to explain the reason and give your own suggestion. (如今,家庭成员之间关系没有以前亲密,列举理由及建议) 2001/2/24上海,广州,沈阳,天津,重庆 WRITING TASK 1 Write a reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers. Describe his or her character and why you recommend her.你的好朋友要去应聘一份与外国青少年一起工作的职位,给你的朋友写一封推荐信 WRITING TASK 2 In most part of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.谈谈你国的交通方面的问题,说明原因和解决方法 2001/3/10北京,深圳,杭州,福州,南京,成都,沈阳No. 47 WRITING TASK 1 You are a student in the University. You are going to study abroad and want to apply for the scholarship of $500 per month. Please write a letter to the university officials, explaining why you want to apply for the scholarship. WRITING TASK 2 Nowadays TV soap serials are very popular. It makes a lot of influence on peoples life, community, neighborhood and so on. Do you agree or disagree? 2001/3/17上海,广州,天津, 济南 WRITING TASK 1 (招工广告,写信应聘) WRITING TASK 2(有的国家规定儿童7岁入学,有的规定4岁入学,你的观点。2001/3/24北京,西安 WRITING TASK 1 You are not satisfied with the light, seats and the service of the local train. Write a letter to the authority to explain the situation. WRITING TASK 2 Most young people fell alone on the first day when they enter the university. What do you think should the university to do to help them 2001/4/7北京杭州,福州,南京,武汉,深圳 WRITING TASK 1 (你去一个英语国家学习,住的地方不舒服,写一封抱怨信,说明目前自己的情况并提出建议。) WRITING TASK 2 (有人认为人们到了60-65岁,如果愿继续工作,法律就不应该强迫他们退休,你是否同意?) 2001/5/12济南,深圳,杭州,福州,南京,成都, WRITING TASK 1 There are more crimes involving young people because they do not have enough to do. Write to the council: what facilities should be set up and what activities should be organized. WRITING TASK 2 Some people believe that government spends too much money on space research while there is still a lot problem on the earth. Do you agree or disagree. 九月雅斯考试最新作文真题汇编 1. TASK1比较澳大利亚贫穷家庭的比例,以及这些家庭的构成情况, Task two : compared with three following m


北京IELTS 考试 by Guo 02/02/2002