中级口译考前冲刺练习:学术类 口译笔译考试

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:04:09 23:58:32
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  Questions 21-25
  The freedom to lead different types of life is reflected in the person’s capacity set. The capacity of a person depends on a variety of factors, including personal characteristics andsocial arrangements. A full accounting of individual freedom must, of course, go beyond the capacities of personal living and pay attention to the person’s other objectives ( e.g. social goals not directly related to one’s own life), but human capacities constitute an important part of individual freedom.
  Freedom, of course, is not an unproblematic concept. For example, if we do not have the courage to choose to live in a particular way, even though we could live that way if we so choose, can it be said that we do have the freedom to live that way, i.e. the correspondent capacity? It is not any purpose here to brush under the carpet difficult questions of this-and- other-type. I so far as there are genuine ambiguities in the concept of freedom,that should be reflected in corresponding ambiguities in the characterization of capacity. This relates to a methodological point, which I have tried to defend elsewhere, that if an underlying idea has an essential ambiguity, a precise formulation of that idea must try to capture that ambiguity rather than hide or eliminate it.
  Comparisons of freedom raise interesting issues of evaluation. The claim is sometimes made that freedom must be valued independently of the values and preferences of the person whose freedom is being assessed, since it concerns the‘ range’ of choice a person has—not how she values the elements in that range or what she chooses from it. I do not believe for an instant that this claim is sustainable (despite some superficial plausibility), but had it been correct, it would have been a rather momentous conclusion, driving a wedge between the evaluation of achievements and that of freedom. It would, in particular, be then possible to assess the freedom of a person independently of – or prior to – the assessment of the alternatives between which the person can choose.
  21. It is said in the passage that there are ambiguities in the characterization of capacity because _________.
  A. freedom and capacity of human beings are closely related to each other
  B. capacity is an underlying idea of the problematic concept of freedom
  C. human capacity depends on personal characteristics and social?arrangements
  D. we could never actually get the correspondent capacity in reality
  22. According to the passage, to give a full picture of individual freedom, we should __________.
  A.?regard human capacity as one of the important components
  B. consider a variety of factors, including personal characters and social arrangements
  C. not be confined to person’s other objectives, including personal capacities
  D. go further into human capacities and consider other person’s other objectives
  23. The expression ‘ to brush under the carpet” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _________.
  A.to try to clean something secretly
  B. to try to hide something not clean
  C. to try to keep something secret
  D. to try to clean something with difficulty
  24. From the passage we can infer that the author thinks freedom ________.
  A. would have been a problematic concept
  B. should be assessed only in terms of the range of the people’s choice
  C. would be assessed prior to the assessment of what people choose
  D. should be assessed independently of people’s values and preferences
  25. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
  A. How to assess freedom is rather controversial though interesting, as it is implied in the passage.
  B. The “claim” mentioned in the passage will be unfavorable to the evaluation of achievements and that of freedom
  C. The author does not believe that a perfect way of assessing the concept of freedom exists
  D. Capacity is supposed to be of ambiguity since the concept of freedom is ambiguous.
  答案: BACCD
  1. 坚决不要100%处理信息. 因为大部分信息都是基于某种强大的理论背景,失去了这个背景, 读的晕头转向在所难免. 所以我们只要读结论就可以了. 解释性部分和举例部分先不要读
  2. 坚决做标记. 把结论作出标记来,以便于以结论作为线索按图索骥. 如21题. 不要在读题之后立刻读选项然后臆断答案,也不要产生什么先入为主的印象. 应该在文中第二段找到ambiguity这个结论词,然后看哪个选项更接近于原文.
  3. 坚决把读懂文章和找到答案看作两码事. 至于某些错项,那就是第三码事了. 千万不要对任何选项都做无罪推断. 这个叫做typecast, 也就是说,假定任何一个错误说法是正确的,其实都可以找到一些零星证据证明它是对的. 中高口毕竟不是考察学术能力,而是假设学生在没有(也不可能有)学术背景的情况下的阅读能力.
  4. 高口section5可能会出学术类文章. 那么要坚决贯彻找到信息就马上改写的方针, 不要在似懂非懂中迷失自我. 不要害怕,学术类文章不会考句意理解,即使考到,大家也知道怎么做: 以不变应万变, 总结段意,见招拆招.


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