
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:04:30 03:03:30
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  rival n. 对手=opponent
  reckless a. 卤莽的
  resort to v. 诉诸于
  restore v. 恢复
  restraint n. 约束
  relevant a. 有关的 我要收藏
  remedy n. 治疗法
  resistant a. 抵抗的
  respective a. 分别的
  resume v. 重新开始
  random a. 随意的 at ~
  reap v. 收获 =harvest>.reap crops
  reassure v. 使放心
  reconcile v. 使和解
  rectify v. 纠正
  refrain from v. 抑制
  refute v. 驳倒
  remainder n. 剩余的部分
  repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥>.The odor ~s me./The odor can ~mosquito。
  reproach v. 责备=blame
  resemblance v. 相似
  resent v. 怨恨 >.He resented being called his nickname。
  retort v. 反驳
  retrieve v. 取回(get back, bring back)
  reunion n. 团聚=get-together>.an occasion for family ~
  revelation n. 揭示
  revive v. 使复苏>.~ economy
  rigorous a. 严格的 ~ training for doctors
  rip v. 撕裂
  ritual n. 仪式=ceremony/routine>.His morning ~is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast。
  robust a. 健壮的
  rot v. 腐烂 =decay
  sustain v. 维持=support
  scandal n. 丑闻
  strive v. 力求 ~ for freedom
  submit to v. 屈服=yield to
  striking a. 显著的
  scrape v. 刮,擦
  sensible a. 合情理的
  stereotype n. 陈规,固定的看法
  submerge v. 淹没
  cope n. 范围
  seemingly ad. 表面上
  speculate v. 猜测
  steep a. 陡的
  summon v. 唤起 How can I ~ up his courage?
  shift v. 移动;转变 ~ responsibility on to others
  scatter v. 。驱散
  sentiment n. 感情
  severe a. 严重的 ~ wound
  shield v. 保护
  simultaneously a. 同时地
  sole a. 唯一的
  sponsor n. 赞助者
  startle v. 惊吓
  substantial a. 可观的,大量的=considerable>. a substantial income
  sufficient a. 充分的
  supplement v./n. 补充>.He ~ed his income by taking apart-time job。
  safeguard v. 保护
  savage a. 野蛮的 =not civilized
  scent n. 香味 The scent of women(Oscar 影片)
  scrutiny n. 细看
  setback n. 挫折

