
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:06:15 05:51:08
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  2.14考的,30 27 27 30
  口语 fair good good
  重点是在这里跟大家讲讲口语3 4 5 6题 我的经验
  #3,这个题,是公认比较简单的吧,蓝delta和barron的这个题都出的不错. 重点是sentence 1: 把note里的内容概括出来:如the school wants to increase its fee for the students recreation center, because that way it can use the money to buy some new equipments for the recreation center. 总结出proposal还有其原因作用什么的. sentence 2: 说话人态度eg. here the boy student supports this idea. He thinks this is a very good policy for the following two reasons. 然后就是把两个原因说出来了...这之后的内容才是重点,注意两个理由,说的越细越好.把理由中的detail你能记得多少就说多少,考试中的听力材料是没有废话的,所有的理由都可以总结出来成为问题的答案,所以...考口语一方面就是考记笔记的能力了...给个例子he thinks that the policy will enable the school to 0update the facilities in the recreation center. Currently the recreation center is not very popular among the students because the facilities there are too old. If new and more advanced equipments are available, more students will go to the center, and this is very good for all the students. Thus, the increase in the entrance fee is well worth it. (第二个理由我不记得了,也要说的细一点) 最后一句,总结一下 So, he thinks that the benefits of the increase in the fee far exceed the cost. 然后刚好到点了.
  #4 这个是我平时最害怕的题目,也是考试的时候说的最好的一个...最早做OG的#4时觉得不难,还小小鄙视了一下托福...后来做蓝DELTA的#4,就彻底郁闷了,一搞没听懂,听懂了才发现原来题目要我转述的是听力材料中的某一段...(其实真正考试的时候题目是很好的,条理很清楚,例子一听就懂,每句话都不是废话,主要是看你听懂然后总结转述的能力)
   转机出现在考前三天,看了某牛人的经验,她说看OG上的#4最好,于是我就好好地研究了一下OG 238页关于audience effect 的那一段话,看那个important points,越读越觉得"恩,考试的时候就应该这样说...XDF那些模板都一边凉快去吧"
  首先是阅读材料,这个要重视,把概念和主要解释总结性记下来,我那天的是 the concept of ...(不记得了)...says that .... it means that people tend to imitate others behavior if that behavior leads to a desirable consequence. and people will avoid others behavior if that behavior leads to a bad consequence. 然后开始说教授的例子 in the lecture the professor gives an example to demonstrate this idea. In the example, a ooy and a girl went shopping with their mother. The girl wanted a doll but her mother refused to buy it for her. If, the mother agrees to buy the doll for her after the girl starts crying and shouting for the doll, the boy would be able to see this, and he would do the same in the future if he wants something himhelf. However, if, on the other hand, the mother still refuses to buy the doll for the girl and punishes her by not allowing her to watch TV after they go back home, the boy would see this, too, and he will not learn from his sister in he wants something in the future. 然后就到时间了.大概意思是这样,不过说的好象比我现在写的好一点,主要是我比太记得了
  #5 这是平时我感觉最简单的一题,结果上去说的最烂. 主要是当天的题目和平时的套路有点变化,那个女生自己说了自己的问题,然后又自己说了自己现在可能的解决方案. 男的几乎没有怎么说话...我还以为男生的建议是重点,结果题目让我总结女生的问题和她可能的解决方法, 然后让我给建议. 然后我就傻了. 还好我及时调整过来了.利用一点可能的笔记唤起了大量的记忆. 那个女生说了一长长的问题,然后给了一个alternative solution我就把我记得的问题 可能的做法 加这样做的不好的地方和not desirble的原因 alternative way 都说出来了...总之,.记得的都说了,还有三次把she 说成了he 还好还是good估计是因为我说的比较细致,然后比较有逻辑,让人感觉我是听懂了,不是扯淡的(当然,这也是最重要的)然后我的意见,这个部分我个人认为不是那么重要,说个选择,给个恰当的理由,有个15秒,不要冷场,这样就可以了吧,恩[100test.com/toefl]
  这个也看看og那段important points,很有帮助的
  #6 这个我也说的很自豪,讲什么海洋生物是如何适应环境的.平时做题目的时候,一做科学类的,尤其是什么植物类的,我就晕了.考试的时候,哇塞,那叫一个清晰啊,那个教授,没有一句废话,上来两句总结性的开场,然后分成两个方面说明,每个方面给了个具体的例子.(是不是和OG的思路一样,虽然具体的可能纠结一点,但大概思路是这样,条理非常非常清晰,只要大脑是清醒的,就可以听懂的 )
  eg ,通常海洋生物都会develop一些器官或功能来适应(adapt to)海洋环境. one way that some sea birds use is that...for example有一种叫XXX的鸟,她的翅膀...(有个特点,最好记清,记不清就说wings special什么的,但是后面的detail就不能再漏了) 这种翅膀能够帮助他们save energy.因为这种鸟经常要migrate over long distances,所以saving energy对他们来说是很重要的(大概是这样,总之,我把听到的意思都说出来了)
  another way that ...use to ...is.... for example,有一种叫什么的鸟,他们的嗅觉很好. 因为他们feed on a kind of planktom, which is very tiny but gives out a very special smell,所以即使这种鸟视觉不好但是他们敏锐的嗅觉使得他们很容易在还上找到食物. so these are the two major ways that birds use to adapt to their life on the sea.
  最后,60秒的时间很宝贵,XDF那种"in this set of materials, the reading passage is about... the listening passage is a lecture on the same topic..."的模板就免了吧,这么多废话,说完10秒就过去了.还不如用准备的时间多想想开头的概括 两到三个分要点的第一句话该怎么说好,只要把首句说好了, 后面就不会急,也不用进去就紧张的写模板
  多看看OG上的important points 不过考试的时候当然不用说的像它那么好了
  good luck with TOEFL

