
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:06:22 20:06:42
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  纽约新学院大学(The New School University)中印协会将于2006年4月28号至29号在美国纽约举办城市化与全球化国际会议,本次会议的主题是“世界移民城市——国际视野中的印度和中国”(Cities in a World of Migration: India and China in Global Perspective)。作为中印协会系列项目的第一站,本次大会意在促使成员明确协会的目标和任务,表彰研究成员做出的优异成绩,促进成员的学术交流,并形成一个稳定的协作工作机制。

  New School中印协会成立的宗旨是促进中、印和美三国之间的学术交流和合作。中国和印度经济上的崛起极大的改变了世界移民城市的格局,两国全球化和城市化的规模和速度令世人震惊。关于城市化的战略规划不仅影响到中国和印度,也是美国和其他国家的的共同关注点。本次会议将邀请各界人士包括城市规划者、建筑师、研究人员、企业名家、政府官员、民间社会活动家和相关学者、学生等,以期从多角度、多维度探讨中印两国城市规划的问题。



Internationality and Identity: Towards Modern Chinese Landscape Architecture and Urban Design

Kongjian Yu
The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University
Turenscape, China

Lecture Abstract
  Urbanization, globalization and the spread of materialism have positioned landscape architecture to critically address three major challenges in the coming decades. With this big picture in mind, the issue of internationality and identity in Chinese contemporary landscape architecture and urban design were brought about.
  The first challenge is the survival of humanity on the earth. More than ever, large parts of population are exposed to disastrous natural forces, pollution and shortage of resources, as were demonstrated by the catastrophes of the Tsunami in South East Asia, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and numerous floods each year all over the world. Two thirds of the 662 Chinese cities are in shortage of water, all rivers in the urban and suburban areas are polluted. Taking land as a medium, landscape architecture is given the great opportunities within this crucial period of time to find ways of rebuilding a harmonious relationship between the land and people.
  The second is about cultural identity. The strength of LA in dealing with this issue lies in its intrinsic association with the natural systems and in its roots of agricultural tradition. Urbanization and globalization processes are so fast and overwhelming, therefore a “negative approach” should be taken against the conventional development planning, i.e. landscape architects and planners should lead the way to identify and design an ecological infrastructure that is critical in safeguarding the ecological processes and cultural heritages, before the stage of land development planning.
  The third is the protection and rebuild of our spiritual homeland. The trend of materialism has been taking over the world and also China. The land which used to be inhabited by various spirits that made the landscape meaningful and poetic is becoming commercialized. Gradually, we lose our spiritual connections to our land towards superficial, exchangeable international images of the world beyond the earthly one, which landscape architecture is positioned to protect and rebuild.
  Four award winning contemporary designs will be presented in detail to illustrate the author’s thinking about internationality and identity, including the Zhongshan Shipyard Park, the Rice Campus of Shenyang Architecture University, the Floating Gardens of Yongning River Park, and the Negative Approach to Urban Development in Taizhou City. 1


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