中考英语单项填空15题(有详解)二 中考考试

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:08 01:11:12
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  1. The old woman kept one black dog and two white ______.

  A. one

  B. ones

  C. those

  D. one’s

  2. This kind of skirt looks and sells ______.

  A. nice. good

  B. well. well

  C. nice. well

  D. good. nice

  3. This kind of car______ Lanzhou.

  A. is made of

  B. is made from

  C. is made by

  D. is made in

  4. —How do you like this blue sweater?

  —I prefer blue, but this one is too ______.

  A. dark

  B. black

  C. deep

  D. white

  5. I wonder if he tonight. If he , I’ll let you know.

  A. will come. comes

  B. comes. will come

  C. comes. comes

  D. will come. will come

  6. — Why you go to Moscow for your holiday?

  —That’s great!

  A. do

  B. did

  C. don’t

  D. didn’t

  7. — Mum, the dress looks nice. May I ?

  A. put on it

  B. try on it

  C. wear it

  D. take it

  8. I don’t quite like ______. It’s too harD.

  A. the fifth lesson

  B. the lesson five

  C. five lessons

  D. the fifth lessons

  9. —He had nothing for breakfast, ______ he?

  —______. He had some milk.

  A. had. Yes

  B. had. No

  C. did. No

  D. did. Yes

  10. I don’t think Kate saw me. She ______ a sweater for her sister.

  A. has just chosen

  B. had just chosen

  C. is choosing

  D. was just choosing

  11. —Mary won’t go shopping this afternoon.

  —I won’t go ______.

  A. either

  B. yet

  C. also

  D. too

  12. —Are there any fish in the lake now?

  —No. ______ any water in it in winter.

  A. There isn’t

  B. There aren’t

  C. It isn’t

  D. They aren’t

  13. They ______ for Shanghai on Friday. Shall we go to see them off at the train station?

  A. are leaving

  B. are left

  C. have left

  D. left

  14. —Remember ______ him about it before he goes away.

  —Sure, I will.

  A. tell

  B. to tell

  C. telling

  D. to telling

  15. We walk back because we the last bus.

  A. should. caught

  B. had better. took  

  C. won’t. took

  D. had to. missed\



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