
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:08:09 18:45:46
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

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  仔细阅读写作题目后,我们知道,题目是个带条件状语从句的疑问句,引导我们对主题(electric power)进行深入的思考,让我们假设在没有的电的情况下会发生什么。虽然提纲给出段首部分,但除第一段是给出段首句外,第二段给的是一个虚拟的条件状语从句,第三段仅给了一个承上启下、表示因果关系的副词。仔细分析所给的提纲后,我们不难发现这三个段落之间的逻辑关系:第一段从正面阐述“电是现代生活中一个重要部分”,第二段从反面证明电的重要性,第三段则总结前面的论述。
  分析提纲后,我们知道,第一段中给出的段首句同时也是主题句。该段的主题是electricity,支配思想是an essential part of our modern life,即:
  Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.
  Topic Controlling idea采集者退散
  Topic: ElectricityQuestion: What would happen if there were no power?
  Outline:I. Electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.1. Essential for electricity lamps2. Essential for TV or radio3. Essential for many other household applianceII. If no power, our world would be in a state of confusion.1. No essential industrial products2. Life – seriously affecteda. No modern communicationb. No running waterc. No services III. Electricity has become an essential part of our modern life and we should guarantee a steady supply of power.1. Save electric power2. Build more power stations3. Find other energy resourcesIntroductionBody Conclusion
   ⑴Ever since early last century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. ⑵The most obvious example is that electricity lamps give us light at night. ⑶Besides, electricity is needed when we watch TV or listen to the radio. ⑷Electricity is also essential for many household appliances such as air-conditioners, refrigerators and microwave stoves. ⑸In a word, there is hardly anything in our modern life that has nothing to do with electric power.(第一段的第一句是主题句,指出“自上个世纪初以来,电已经成为现代生活中重要的一部分”。接着用举例法发展这一段落,举出三个例子充分论证作者的观点。结尾句重申了电的重要性,指出现代生活中几乎没有什么东西与电是毫不相关的。) ⑹If there were no power, our world would be in a state of confusion. ⑺For one thing, machines in factories would stop running and we would have to go without many essential industrial products. ⑻For another, our life would be seriously affected. ⑼For example, all the modern communications were shut up, running water would stop, and all the banks, schools, hospitals and post offices were closed. ⑽Without power, the result would be terrible.(第二段的第一句也是主题句,指出“如果没有电,世界将一片混乱”。接着用列举法阐述没有电所带来的两个结果,并举例说明因此给我们的生活带来的诸多不便。结尾句重申了没有电可能产生的后果的严重性。⑾Therefore, people should realize the importance of electricity and do everything to guarantee a steady supply of power. ⑿On the one hand, we should cultivate a sense of saving electric power. ⒀On the other hand, more power stations should be built and other energy resources must be found so as to provide sufficient power for the increasing demand. (第三段第一句对前面的论述进行了总结:人们应当认识到电的重要性,并采取一切措施保证稳定的电力供应。作者还建议人们应采取行动,确保不会发生没有电的情况。为了满足日益增长的用电的需要,作者建议我们一方面要养成节约用力的习惯;另一方面我们应多建电站,寻找其他的能源。⑴主题句⑵例一⑶例二⑷例三⑸结尾句⑹主题句⑺结果一⑻结果二⑼举例说明结果二⑽结尾句⑾总结全文⑿建议一⒀建议二
  ⑴Ever since early last century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. ⑵The most obvious example is that electricity lamps give us light at night. ⑶Besides, electricity is needed when we watch TV or listen to the radio. ⑷Electricity is also essential for many household appliances such as air-conditioners, refrigerators and microwave stoves. ⑸In a word, there is hardly anything in our modern life that has nothing to do with electric power.
  (第一段中有些词用得很恰当,如essential(必不可少的;最重要的), obvious(明显的)。有些短语也用得不错,如be essential for(对……是必不可少的), such as(例如), in a word(换句话说), have nothing to do with … (与……毫无关系)等。另外,表语从句The most obvious example is that … 也用得很恰当。)
  ⑹If there were no power, our world would be in a state of confusion. ⑺For one thing, machines in factories would stop running and we would have to go without many essential industrial products. ⑻For another, our life would be seriously affected. ⑼For example, all the modern communications were shut up, running water would stop, and all the banks, schools, hospitals and post offices were closed. ⑽Without power, the result would be terrible.
  (第二段中用for one thing, for another这两个短语分别列举在没有电的情况下可能产生的两个结果,这一写作方法值得学习。还有像a state of confusion(一片混乱), go without … (忍受……缺乏〈之苦〉), for example(例如), shut up(关闭)短语用得恰到好处。)
  ⑾Therefore, people should realize the importance of electricity and do everything to guarantee a steady supply of power. ⑿On the one hand, we should cultivate a sense of saving electricity. ⒀On the other hand, more power stations should be built and other energy resources must be found so as to provide sufficient power for the increasing demand.
  (第三段中用得好的词有:guarantee(保证), steady(稳定的;持续的), cultivate(培养), sufficient(充足的) 。用得好的短语有:on the one hand(一方面), on the other hand(另一方面), turn off(关), so as to … (为了/以便), the increasing demand(不断增长的需求).
  练 习 一来源:www.100test.com
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic What Would Happen If There Were No Power in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence or part of the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given.
  What Would Happen If There Were No Power
  1. Ever since early last century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. ______________________________________________.
  2. If there were no electric power,_________________________________, ____________________________________________________________.
  3. Therefore, ___________________________________________________.

