【云南省昆明一中2007届高三年级第二次月考英语试题】 高考

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2010:01:04 19:46:19
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网




第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



1.Why did Paul take part in neither of Helen’s last two family parties?

A.Because he doesn’t like her any more.

B.Because Helen doesn’t like him any more.

C.Because Helen’s parents like him no more.

2.Who is Mr. King?

A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C. A lawyer.

3.What’s the relationship between the woman speaker and Paul’s mother?

A.Sisters.B.Neighbours.C.Mother and daughter.

4.What does the woman think about the man’s weight?

A.He needn’t worry about his weight.

B.He is too fat to be healthy.

C.He needs treatment for weight loss.

5.What does the man mean?

A.The professor was late on purpose.

B.The professor was late because of a traffic jam.

C.The professor was unwilling to give the lecture.

第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)



6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Aunt and nephew.

7.What’s the woman’s regular job?

A.She is a secretary.B.She is a teacher.C.She is a doctor.

8.What does the woman do after work?

A.She studies in University of Washington.

B.She helps her son Fred with his English.

C.She does a part-time job in an elementary school.


9.Why don’t they choose to go to the French restaurant?

A.It’s very far from home.

B.It’s not convenient.

C.It’s very expensive.

10.Where is the Mexican restaurant located?

A.On Tortilla Flat.B.On Broadway.C.On Hope Street.

11.Approximately when will the couple arrive at the restaurant?

A.At 8:30 p.m.B.At 8:35 p.m.C.At 9:00 p.m.


12.Which day’s tickets will the man get ?

A.Next Monday’s .B.Next Wednesday’s.C.This Tuesday’s.

13.How much will the man pay for the tickets?

A.$ 5.00.B.$ 9.00.C.$10.00.

14.If possible, how could the man get the tickets for central seats?

A.Two sit in one place while two sit together in the other place.

B.They sit separately.

C.They sit together.


15.Which way is a slow one?

A.To turn next to the school.

B.To go another four or five blocks.

C.To turn to the left right away.

16.What color was the traffic light when their car came to the cross?


17.What will probably happen to them in the end?

A.Catch the train.B.Miss the train.C.have an accident.


18.Why did the children come to help the old woman?

A.Because their parents wanted them to do so.

B.Because they wanted to start a cookies store of their own some day.

C.Because there was too much work for her to do alone.

19.What did the children do when the old woman fell ill?

A.They took turns to look after the old woman.

B.They baked and sold cookies to pay the doctor.

C.They baked the cookies for the old woman.

20.What is the message we get from the story?

A.Friendship is more valuable than anything else.

B.The world is full of warmth and sympathy.

C.Happiness lies in sharing.


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