
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 09:38:17
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网


  Romance, betrayal, intrigue and tragedy - the making of a fascinating novel - are all there in The Gadfly. Ethel Voynichs first novel, The Gadfly came out in 1897 and became one of the most widely read books of the 20th century.

  We join the story in the closing pages, just after Arthur has been executed. Gemma, reading his last letter from prison, recognizes Arthur as her long-lost lover, only to lose him again -- this time for ever.


  (From The Gadfly)
  by Ethel L.Voynich

  The stood still for a little while with the paper in her hand. then sat down by the open window to read. The letter was closely written in pencil, and in some parts hardly legible. But the first two words stood out quite clear upon the page. and they were in English:

  "Dear Jim."来源

  The writing grew suddenly blurred and misty. And she had lost him again -- had lost him again! At the sight of the familiar childish nickname all the hopelessness of her bereavement came over her afresh, and she put out her hands in blind desperation, as though the weight of the earth-clods that lay above him were pressing on her heart.

  Presently she took up the paper again and went on reading:
  "I am to be shot at sunrise to-morrow. So if I am to keep at all my promise to tell you everything, I must keep it now. But, after all, there is not much need of explanations between you and me. We always understood each other without many words, even when we were little thing."

  "And so, you see, my dear, you had no need to break your heart over that old story of the blow. It was a hard hit, of course. but I have had plenty of others as hard, and yet I have managed to get over them, -- even to pay back a few of them, -- and here I am still, like the mackerel in our nursery-book (I forget its name), Alive and kicking, oh!" This is my last kick though. and then, to-morrow morning, and -- Finita la Commedia!" You and I will translate that: The variety show is over. and will give thanks to the gods that they have had, at least, so much mercy on us. It is not much, but it is something. and for this and all other blessings may we be truly thankful!

