
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:01:11 19:58:33
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

a accepted 承兑

AA Auditing Administration (中国)审计署

AAA 最佳等级

abs. abstract 摘要

a/c, A/C account 帐户、帐目

a/c, A/C account current 往来帐户、活期存款帐户

A&.C addenda and corrigenda 补遗和勘误 来源:www.examda.com

Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兑

Accrd. Int accrued interest 应计利息

Acct. account 帐户、帐目

Acct. ccountant 会计师、会计员

Acct. accounting 会计、会计学

Acct.No. account number 帐户编号、帐号

Acct.Tit. account title 帐户名称、会计科目

ACN air consignment 航空托运单

a/c no. account number 帐户编号、帐号

Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兑

A/CS Pay. accounts payable 应付帐款

A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 应收帐款

ACT advance corporation tax 预扣公司税
TSP Total Suspended Particle 总空中悬浮物(污染指标)

TST test 检查,检测

TT Testamentary Trust 遗嘱信托

TT, T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇

T.T.B. telegraphic transfer bought 买入电汇

T.T.S. telegraphic transfer sold 卖出电汇

TTY teletypewriter 电报打字员

TU Trade Union 工会,职工协会

Tue, Tues Tuesday 星期二

TV terminal value. television 最终价值;电视

TW transit warehouse 转口仓库

TWI training within industry 业内训练

txt. text 课文,电文,正文

Ty. territory 领土,(推销员的)推销区域

T&.E Card travel and entertainment card 旅行和娱乐信用卡

T&.H temperature and humidity 温度和湿度

T&.M time and material 时间和材料

T/C time charter 定期租船,计时租船

t/km ton kilometer 顿/千米

TOP Trade Opportunities Program (美国)贸易机会计划

T.O.P. turn over, please 请翻转

TPM total productive maintenance 总生产维修(护)制

TPND theft, pilerage, and non-delivery 偷窃及不能送达险

tpo telephoto 电传照片,传真

TQ tariff quota 关税配额

T.Q., t.q. tale quale (拉丁)按现状,现状条件

TQC total quality control 全面质量控制

TR telegram restante. trust receipt 留交电报;信托收据

T.R. tons registered (船舶)注册吨位

Tr. transfer 过户,转让

traditio symbolia   (拉丁)象征性交费

Tranche CD certificate of deposit 份额存单

trans translated 译本

treas treasurer 会计,出纳,库管,司库

Trip. triplicate 一式三份中的一份

Triple A 3A 3A级,最佳债券评级

TRS terminal receiving system 港外待运仓收货制度

TRT Trademark Registration Treaty 商标注册条约

t.f. till forbid 直到取消为止

tgm. telegram 电报

three Ts type, terms, technique 交易三要素,即交易类型,交易条件,销售技术

thro., thru. through 经由,通过

Thu. Thursday 星期四

TIP to insure promptness 确保迅速

TIR carnet Transports Internationaux Routier (法国)国际公路运输证

tks. thanks 致谢,感谢

tkt ticket 票

TL time loan. total loss. trade-last 定期贷款;总损失;最后交易

TLO, T.L.O. total loss only=free from/of all average 全损赔偿险

TLX telex=teleprinter/teletypewriter exchange 电传

TM trademark 商标

TM telegram with multiple addresses 分送电报

TMA Terminal Market Association 最终市场协会

TMO telegraph money order 电汇单

TN treasury note 国库券

TNC transnational/multinational company 跨国公司

TOD time of delivery 发货时间

Tonn. tonnage 吨位(数)来源:www.examda.com

TC telegraph collation 校对电报

T.C. travelers check 旅行支票

TCI trade credit insurance 贸易信用保险

TCIC technical credit insurance consultants 技术信用保险顾问

TCM traditional Chinese medicine 中国传统医学,中医

TD time deposit 定期存款

TD Treasury Department (美国)财政部

TDA Trade Development Authority 贸易发展当局

TDC technical development corporation 技术开发公司

TDC Trade Development Council (香港)贸易发展局

TDR Treasury Deposit Receipt 国库券存据

Tech technical 技术的

Tel. telephone number 电话号码

telecom telecommunications 通讯

temp temperature. temporary (secretary) 温度;临时(秘书)

TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account 免税特别储蓄帐户

TEU twenty-foot-equipment unit (货柜、集装箱)20英尺当量单位

TF trade finance 贸易融资

t time. temperature 时间;温度

T. ton. tare 吨;包装重量,皮重

TA telegraphic address=cable address 电报挂号

TA total asset 全部资产,资产

TA trade acceptance 商业承兑票据

TA transfer agent 过户转账代理人

TAB tax anticipation bill (美国)预期抵税国库券

TACPF tied aid capital projects fund 援助联系的资本项目基金

TAF tied aid financing 援助性融资

TAL traffic and accident loss (保险)交通和意外事故损失

TAT truck-air-truck 陆空联运

TB treasury bond, treasury bill 国库券,国库债券

T.B. trial balance 试算表

t.b.a. to be advised. to be agreed. to be announced. to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排

t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定)

TBD policy to be declared policy 预保单,待报保险单

TBL through bill of lading 联运提单,直达提单

TBV trust borrower vehicle 信托借款人工具(公司)

TBW Thompson Bankwatch, a rating agent 托马逊银行评估公司

TC tariff circular 关税通报

SPF spare parts financing 零部件融资

SPQR small profits, quick returns 薄利多销

SPS special purpose securities 特设证券

Sq. square 平方;结清

SRM standard repair manual 标准维修手册

SRP Salary Reduction Plan 薪水折扣计划

SRT Spousal Remainder Trust 配偶幸存者信托

ss semis, one half 一半

SS social security 社会福利

ST short term 短期

ST special treatment (listed stock) 特别措施(对有问题的上市股票)

St. Dft. sight draft 即期汇票

STB special tax bond 特别税债务

STIP short-term insurance policy 短期保险单

sub subscription. substitute 订阅,签署,捐助;代替

Sun Sunday 星期日

sund. sundries 杂货,杂费

sup. supply 供应,供货
SIC Standard Industrial Classification 标准产业分类

SIP structured insurance products 结构保险产品

SITC Standard International Trade Classification 国际贸易标准分类

sk sack 袋,包

SKD separate knock-known 部分散件

SLC standby LC 备用信用证

SMA special miscellaneous account 特别杂项账户

SMEs small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业来源:www.examda.com

SMI Swiss Market Index 瑞士市场指数

SML security market line 证券市场线

SMTP supplemental medium term policy 辅助中期保险

SN stock number 股票编号

