
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:01:14 23:21:29
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Teaching Aims:

1.  Learn and master the following:

Four skills: guide (n.) bank. Villager, sharp, crop, price, mile, wild, parrot, guitar, be about to

2.  Train the students ‘ability of reading comprehension.

3.  Master how to write a diary in English correctly

  Teaching Important Points:

1.  Master the usages of the following phrases:

Tie to  at a high / low price by air / by road / by the sea nothing except,

Through / across / over

Be about to when

2.  Master the format of a diary

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.  the differences between “ through ” “over” and “across “.

2.  the difference between “be going to v”. and “be about to v ”.

3.  the understanding of the sentence: … they can get a person in two minutes, leaving only two bones.

Teaching Methods:

1.  Question and answer activity to help the students to go through with the whole passage.

2.  Fast reading to find out the detailed information about the passage.

3.  Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder    2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

  Step I.  Greeting

Greet the whole class as usual

  Step II.  Revision and lead in

(Teacher asks two pairs of the students to act out the dialogues made up by them to check the homework.)

    T: Very good. Thank you for your performance. I think you must have a good trip. Today we are going to read about a woman ’s trip. Let ‘s see how she felt on her travel. Before we read it, we learn some new words.

  Step III. Preparation for reading

(Teacher shows the new words or the screen. are give the students a brief introduction in English. Them give them a few minutes to remember them.)

  guide [ gaid] n.     mile [ mail]   bank n.   crop

villager   price   parrot   

wild             sharp bone             sight

T: Please read and remember the news words for two minutes, then I’ll check them.

(After that, teacher asks students to open their books to look at the picture on the top and talks about it.)

T: Please open your books. look at the picture on the top. Please tell me what you can see in the picture and what they are doing you think.

S: There are many people in the picture. They are travelling. I think now they are having a rest and the guide is cooking Supper. The write, a woman, is writing her diary.

T: Very good. Now I ask you two simple questions: Where did she go? How did she travel? Please read the passage quickly and find out the answers to the questions.

Step IV.  Reading

     (Teacher gives the students a few minutes to read the passage quickly and then checks the answers.)

T: Are you ready? Yes, where did she go?

S: She went to a great forest in South America.

T: How did she travel?

S: By boat.

T: Very good. Now I give you another few minutes to read the passage again to answer some detailed questions on the screen.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.  When did the traveller write this diary?

2.  Did she enjoy her trip?

3.  What did the travellers often have for their meals?

4.  What does the writer never eat? Why not?

5.  Why was it dangerous to swim in the river?

6.  What surprised her most when she was in the plane over a part of the forest?

Suggested answers:

1.  The traveller wrote this diary on Tuesday. October Sth. 1993

2.  Yes.

3.  The travellers often had fish for their meals. Some times they ate chicken, eggs, birds and monkeys.

4.  The writer never ate monkeys. Because she thought it‘s wrong to eat monkeys.

5.  Because there were dangerous fish in the river. The fish had very sharp teeth. they could eat a person in two minutes, leaving only the bones.

6.  A sad sight surprised her most when he was in the plane over a part of the forest. She could see nothing except a great fire and lots of smoke for miles and miles.

T: Now you have understood the general idea of the text. In order to understand the text further, you must master the usages of some phrases and sentences, before doing it. I explain how to write a diary correctly in English.

