VOA流行美语第151课 丢了钱包不开心!实用英语

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:06:18 23:03:09
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  今天李华学到两个常用语。第一个是downer, 就是指让人非常失望,非常不高兴的事。另一个常用语是baby, 是形容一个人表现得像小孩一样幼稚。  
  LH: Larry,我的钱包不见了。找了半天也没找到。我肯定是放在家里的,你说现在怎么办呢?
  LL: Thats a real downer. Let me help you look for it. What does it look like?
  LH: 嗯,我的钱包是红颜色的,上面还镶有蓝色的边。你刚才说downer,那是什么意思?
  LL: Oh, a "downer" is something that makes you feel "down" or depressed. Losing your wallet is definitely a downer.
  LH: Downer就是让人不高兴的事情。嗯,丢钱包真的是很倒霉。丢了钱还不算,还得重新申请驾驶执照、身份证件,还得打电话给信用卡公司取消我的信用卡,想到这些我就头疼。
  LH: Hey, dont get all upset yet. We still havent finished looking for it.
  LL: 我知道。这样吧,我到厨房去找,你帮我找一找沙发底下。
  LL: Sure. Hey, you know what else is a downer? Julia cant go out with us tonight. Her boyfriend is sick and she went over to his house to take care of him. 我要收藏
  LH: 噢,Julia今晚不能和我们去吃饭啦?真让人失望。That is a downer! 自从她交了男朋友以后,我已经好久没见到她了。
  LL: I know what you mean. I havent seen her in at least two months.
  LH: 我找到了!我找到我的钱包了。你看,在冰箱下面,一定是今天早上我买菜回来时掉下去的。
  LL: Great! Lets go. Im so hungry that I can eat a whole horse. It would be a real downer if we have to wait for a table at the restaurant.
  LH: 餐厅里等不到位子,那还不是什么大问题。我要是真找不到我的钱包,那才真是a real downer。
  LL: Yeah, then Id have to pay!
  LH: (Whiny) 什么!还得等一个小时才有座位啊?啊,我不行了,我快要饿死了!
  LL: Oh, dont be such a big baby. Youll survive. Besides, it might not take that long.
  LH: Larry, 你说我像个baby 。Baby 就是婴儿,娃娃。我饿了还不行吗?大人也会肚子饿哪!
  LL: Well, then dont act so immatureand whiny. Youre too old to whine like a baby.
  LH: 你说我表现得象个孩子一样,所以叫我baby。我饿了还不能说呀?
  LL: Saying that youre going to starve to death is a little dramatic, dont you think?
  LH: 我说快要饿死了。这是强调,夸张!为了找钱包,我中午饭都没有来得及吃。所以我真的是很饿啊!
  LL: All right, dont get so upset. I was just teasingyou. You dont need to be such a big baby about it.
  LH: 你怎么你又叫我baby了!
  LL: Im sorry. Its just fun to tease you.
  LH: 噢,你就喜欢逗我。你觉得这样很好玩啊?好啊!你不也是经常抱怨没有时间看球赛,没有时间出去玩吗。那下回我也叫你a big baby!
  LL: I really was just kidding, Li Hua. Youre not a big baby. You dont need to start thinking of ways to get even with me.
  LH: 你惹急了我就说是开玩笑。我当然要想办法报复了。
  LL:Hey, look our tables ready.
  LH:谢天谢地。我们终于等到位子了。现在你再叫我big baby, 我也无所谓了。吃饭要紧,快点菜吧。


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