VOA流行美语第194课 diddlysquat实用英语

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:10 00:08:33
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  Larry 刚刚给自己的公寓贴了新的墙纸,可是他觉得效果很不理想。 李华今天会学到两个常用语:diddlysquat和rub it in。
  LL: Today, Li Hua, I discovered that I dont know diddlysquat about putting up wallpaper.
  LH: 什么? diddlysquat?听你的意思,你好象是说你对贴墙纸什么也不懂,是吗?
  LL: Thats right. I dont know diddlysquat means I dont know anything.
  LH:噢,Dont know diddlysquat就是什么也不懂,一窍不通。
  LL:Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didnt get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesnt line up. 我要收藏
  LH: 我也对贴墙纸一窍不通。不过,贴之前好象总得把墙纸弄直了。否则,墙纸的花样怎么对得起来呢!
  LL: Yeah, but it is harder to do than you might think. I really needed to read instructions in a how-to book before I started, but I didnt do diddlysquat to prepare.
  LH: 原来你什么准备都没有做就开始贴墙纸呀!美国有很多关于如何装修房屋的书,你什么没看就动手啦?你胆子也够大的。得了,你来帮我点忙, 分散一下注意力,心情就会好一些。好吗?
  LL: Sure, how can I help?
  LH: 我昨天买了一个新的电脑硬盘,可我在这方面什么也不懂,I dont know diddlysquat about computer。 你来帮我装一下,好吗?
  LL: You are just like my mom, Li Hua. She doesnt know diddlysquat about computers either─but I am happy to help out. When should I come by?
  LH: Larry,你能帮我装上,那太好了。午饭以后可以过来吗?
  LL: OK, Ill do that. But maybe you can come help me remove the wallpaper I put up.
  LH: 帮你撕墙纸,I dont know diddlysquat about that! 让我看看再说吧。
  LH: Oh, Larry, 这墙纸还真是没对齐。
  LL: Yeah, I know. Please dont rub it in.
  LH: 不要抹进去?我们不是要把墙纸撕下来吗?
  LL: No, no. By "rub it in", I didnt mean rub the wallpaper into the wall. I meant that I already know the wallpaper doesnt line up, so you dont need to tell me again and make me feel worse.
  LH: 我明白了, rub it in的意思是在伤口上抹盐,令人更难堪。 墙纸没贴好,你已经很难过了,我又提起这件事,就是rub it in - 让你更难受,对吗?
  LL: Yeah, especially when it is something you are not happy about. "Rubbing it in" just makes a person feel worse.
  LH: Rub it in,只会让人更难过, 所以我们的朋友Rick撞车之后,你并没有对他说, “你怎么这么不小心”,因为你不想让他更难堪。
  LL: Right, I didnt want Rick to feel even worse about his car.
  LH: 上个星期考试,我考得好, 你考得不好,我说,“你本来就该好好复习嘛”。这又是 rubbing it in,往伤口上抹盐,对 不对?
  LL: Exactly.
  LH: 可是我只是想对朋友提出忠告,并没有 抹盐的意思。
  LL: I know you didnt mean to rub it in, Li Hua. Well, lets go see what we can do about your hard drive.
  LH: Great. 好吧,去看看我的电脑吧。
  LL: You are really lucky that we are friends! I mean, you dont know diddlysquat about computers. Youd never be able to install the hard drive without me.
  LH: 我知道我对电脑一窍不通, 你就别往伤口上抹盐了。You dont have to rub it in!
  今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是dont know diddlysquat about something,意思是对某件事一无所知,一窍不通。李华学到的另一个常用语是 rub it in, 意思是在某个人的伤口上抹盐,令人更加难过。


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