美国晚间脱口秀笑话一周精选(7月10日) 实用英语

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:16 20:31:59
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  "The Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has announced she is stepping down. Friends of Governor Palin are saying that she is resigning because she is tired of attacks from the media. Thank God I didn’t say anything." ---David Letterman
  "It’s an emotional day. A lot of us are still mourning the loss of one of America’s most entertaining figures, who left us all too soon. But don’t worry, folks, Sarah Palin will be back. Comedians everywhere are praying." -- Conan O’Brien
  "Since resigning as governor, many say Sarah Palin is now going to spend some time working on her memoirs. Alaskans are saying they can’t wait to start reading Palin’s memoirs and then quit halfway through." --Conan O’Brien 我要收藏
  "In a recent study, the United States was ranked the 114th happiest country in the world. Then Sarah Palin stepped down. Now we’re at 17." --Conan O’Brien
  "Now how about this, ladies and gentlemen? The Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has announced she is stepping down. She will no longer be the Governor of Alaska. First thing, she woke up and went out on herporch and waved goodbye to Russia. Obama was waving to her." --David Letterman
  "President Obama right now is in Russia. Yeah, Obama went there because from Russia, you can actually see Sarah Palin cleaning out her office in Alaska." --Conan O’Brien
  "But I was talking to a lady here in the audience who’s from Alaska. And we were wondering about this. How does a thing like this work? Because she steps down and no longer the governor of Alaska. And we figured it out, the title now is -- Miss Congeniality [w=step up]steps up[/w], I think, -- is now the governor of Alaska. I think so." --David Letterman
  莎拉·佩林早年曾当选“阿拉斯加小姐”第二名。Miss Congeniality是一部电影的名字,被译作《选美俏卧底》,讲的是一位女探员卧底参加美国小姐选美比赛,最终惩治恶人的故事。
  "But a lot of public figures do this. And I’ve tried to do it. Doesn’t work. You blame the media. When you have trouble, you blame the media. And today, as a matter of fact, she was up in a helicopter, shooting Wolf Blitzer." --David Letterman
  但是很多人都这么干,我也试过,不工作,你埋怨媒体。你遇到麻烦的时候就埋怨媒体。今天,事实上,她上了一架直升机,拍摄Wolf Blitzer。——大卫·莱特曼
  "Anybody here from Minnesot? Congratulations, you have a brand new senator, our old friend, Al Franken. Al is an interesting guy. Went from being a comedian to politician. George Bush, the other way around." --David Letterman
  "Mark Sanford described his girlfriend as his ’soulmate.’ And I thought, well, if there is one thing that beautiful women love, it’s a fiscal conservative, am I right?" --David Letterman
  "Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she sees no need for a House resolution in praise of Michael Jackson. Pelosi added, “Isn’t it enough that I’m slowly starting to look like him?” --Conan O’Bien


美国晚间脱口秀笑话一周精选(7月10日) 实用英语
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