VOA流行美语第212课 to down和to chug实用英语

文章作者 100test 发表时间 2009:07:25 10:50:28
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  Larry和李华在学校的食堂里吃晚饭。李华今天会学到两个常用语;to down和to chug。
  LL: You know, Li Hua, I think I can down this entire hamburger in a single bite. I am that hungry.
  LH: 听你的意思,我猜你是说你可以一口就把这个汉堡包吃下去, 对不对?
  LL: Youre right, my friend! The hamburger will go down to my stomach.
  LH: 你看我没猜错吧! Down就是吃的意思。Larry,你说一口就能吃下去这有点夸张吧。 人又不是蛇, 要噎住了怎么办呢?
  LL: Well, maybe I was exaggerating a little, but down means to eat something all at once and really fast.
  LH: 我明白了,down不仅是吃,而且是狼吞虎咽。我记得在电视上看过 吃热狗比赛,有个人在12分钟内吃了50个热狗,He downed 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes! Larry,你能吃这么多吗?
  LL: No, I cant. Im pretty hungry right now, but I think I would get sick after downing so many hot dogs in so little time.
  LH: 一下子吃这么多热狗,你当然受不了。不过, 人都有狼吞虎咽的时候。象我,回国探亲的时,有时候一顿饭能吃好几十个饺子呢。
  LL: But steamed dumplings are so small, I bet you can down fifty of those and still feel okay. 我要收藏
  LH: 五十个饺子,那可不少啊。 我只要吃上二十个就已经很饱了。
  LL: Well, one of my favorite things to eat is chocolate chip cookies. When I was a kid my Mom would bake them, and I would down a whole plate of cookies just like that.
  LH: 带巧克力的饼干我也爱吃。大多数美国妇女都会烤这种饼干。可是,你妈怎么会让你把烤出来的一盘全吃了呢?你们美国人可真能吃。
  LL: But I know you like ice cream, Li Hua. Ive seen you down an ice cream cone in just a few seconds.
  LH: 你说对了,我的确喜欢冰淇淋。 其实我现在就想吃。 Id like to down an ice cream cone right now.
  LL: Well, you go get your ice cream cone - and I am going to finish downing this burger.
  LH: 好吧,Larry,我去拿冰淇淋, 你把这汉堡吃完,我一会儿就回来。
  LL: Hey, Li Hua, after downing that burger, now I really need to chug a big glass of soda.
  LH: Chug,那是什么意思啊?
  LL: You know how you down a hamburger by eating it very quickly? You chug a soda by drinking it really fast and all at once.
  LH: 我刚才就猜是这个意思, chug就是很快地一下子喝光。Chug听起来好像是个像声字。
  LL: Well, listen to me chug this soda and tell me what you hear.
  (Sound of drinking)
  LH: 听到了, 你喝起来有咕嘟咕嘟的声音。
  LL: Yeah, chug comes from the sound you make when you drink something quickly and all at one time.
  LH: 只有在喝冷饮的时候才能够咕嘟咕嘟地快喝。你要喝茶可就不行了。一杯热茶,最好慢慢品尝。 再说, 喝快了也会烫嗓子呀。
  LL: I guess you cant really chug a cup of hot tea, but what about a bottle of cool water?
  LH: 冷的水当然可以了。只要不是热的,其他饮料都可以一饮而尽嘛。
  LL: For me, there is nothing better than chugging a glass of milk right after eating a plate of my moms chocolate chip cookies.
  LH: 瞧把你给谗得!吃完巧克力饼干,你要再喝一大杯牛奶,听起来是真过瘾。
  LL: Oh, I love to chug milk! Sometimes I chug milk right out of the bottle in the fridge.
  LH: 你从冰箱里拿出装奶的瓶子就喝?连杯子都不用呀?
  LL: Thats right. But dont tell my mom. She wouldnt be very happy to know I was chugging milk from the bottle in the fridge.
  LH: 你真够呛!还让我不要告诉你妈妈。谁看见了都不会高兴的。你这么喝,那别人要喝怎么办呐!Larry, 快把你的饮料喝了吧。 我得去上课了。


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