
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 10:01:31
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Day 54
  He speaks English with a Chinese accent.
  猜一猜 A. 口味B. 口腔C. 口音D. 声音
  翻译 他说英语带有中国口音。
  分析 ac=to cent=sing(唱歌)→唱歌带有一定的口音
  词义扩展v. 重音(符号)The second syllable should be accented. 第二音节应当重读。
  adjacent/ a.
  There was a supermarket adjacent to our university.
  猜一猜 A. 远的B. 毗连的C. 中间的D. 反向的
  分析 ad jac ent
  to throw a.邻近的,毗连的 adjacent angle 邻角
  Our house adjoins theirs.源:www.examda.com
  猜一猜 A. 远离B.建筑C. 张罗D. 靠近
  翻译 我们的房子跟他们的毗连。
  分析 ad join
  to to join(加入,连接) 毗连,靠近
  calm/ a.
  The poem illustrates a calm spring night in the suburb of London.
  猜一猜 A. 美丽的B. 愉快的C. 难忘的D. 静的
  翻译 这首诗描述的是伦敦郊外的一个静静的春夜。
  词义扩展 a. 镇静的,沉着的The captain still kept calm when the horrific storm came. 当暴风雨袭来时,船长仍然沉着镇定。
  n. 平静,风平浪静The calm in the city made no one realize that there was a riot two days ago. 这个城市的平静很难使人想起两天前的暴动。
  v. (使) 平静;(使)镇定He couldnt calm himself down until the funeral ended. 直到葬礼结束他才使自己平静下来。
  近义词 pacific 温和的,平静的;quiet 安静的;tranquil 宁静的;silent 安静的
  After a bloody suppression of the revolt, the governments power was confirmed.
  猜一猜 A. 削弱B. 垮台C. 更换D. 使更坚固
  翻译 起义被镇压后,政府权力得到了进一步巩固。
  分析 com firm
  together,wholly firm→使更坚固
  词义扩展 v. ① 进一步证实The rumors of the scandal were later confirmed. 丑闻的谣言后来得到了证实。 ② ,批准When asked,she confirmed that she was going to resign.有人问起时,她肯定辞职。
  近义词 strengthen, validate
  cricket/ n.
  A cricket match can last for 3 days.
  猜一猜 A. 足球B. 板球C. 蟋蟀D. 篮球
  翻译 一场板球赛可持续3天。
  词义扩展 n.  蟋蟀The chipping of crickets annoys her greatly. 蟋蟀的叫声让她心烦意乱。
  invasion/ n.
  The Prime Minister had always said that he was never to be woken up for anything but invasion of England.
  猜一猜 A. 侵入B. 轰炸C. 攻占D. 遗弃
  翻译 首相说无论发生什么事情都不要叫醒他,除非是英国被入侵。
  obscure/ a.
  The car is parked at an obscure village.
  猜一猜 A. 幽暗的B. 喧嚣的C. 鲜艳的D. 破烂的
  翻译 汽车被停在一个幽暗的小山村。
  词义扩展 模糊的,晦涩的The meaning of this passage is obscure.
  proton/ n.
  Proton is very important in all parts of an object.
  猜一猜 A. 分子B.离子C.电子D.质子
  翻译 质子在一个物体的所有组成部分中相当重要。
  分析 prot on
  rude/ a.
  She is rude to her friends and colleagues tonight.
  猜一猜 A. 友好的B. 热情的C. 无礼的,粗鲁的 D. 冷淡的
  翻译 她今晚对她的朋友和同事很粗鲁。
  词义扩展 a. ① 猛烈的,残暴的His mother s death is a rude shock to him. 他母亲的死对他是一个残酷的打击。② 粗糙的,粗陋的He had constructed a rude cabin for his family in case of necessity. 他已经为家人建造了一个粗陋的小屋以备不时之需。
  同义词 impolite
  print/print/ n.
  He wrote me a letter and the address was written in print.
猜一猜 A.蓝色墨水B. 印刷字体C. 手写D. 美术体
  翻译 他给我写了封信,上面的地址是用印刷体写的。
  词义扩展 v. ① 印刷,出版The workers are too careless to print the last line on this page properly 工人们太粗心了,以致这一页的最后一行没有印好。② 洗印How many copies do you think we shall print from the negative? 你认为我们要用那张底片印几张相片?
  printer/ n.
  The printer doesnt work quite well,as it often breaks down during working.
  猜一猜 A. 印刷机B. 打字员C. 幻灯机 D. 收发员源:www.examda.com
  翻译 这台印刷机运转不太好,老是在时出故障。
  分析 print + 表示人的名词后缀er → 打字的人即打字员
  pill/pil/ n.
  She has to take pills every day.
  猜一猜 A. 酒B. 食物C. 药丸D. 水果
  翻译 她每天都要吃药。
  大头巧记 p(谐音避) ill(病)=用来避病的东西=药

